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't.'. ifc *? 214 George Hunt Barton IH He contributed many articles and papers on geology to variouT scientific magazines, wrote also a few popular articles on his choaet field of science, and published for use in his classes several compro-hensive outlines for courses of lessons in lithology, petrology, qjq. eralogy, dynamical and structural geology, and historical geology. As an avocation he took up genealogical researchVand compiled ? typewritten account of the descendants, in both inale and female branches, of ^Elisha and Mary (Loring) Wheele/ of Sudbury?hi, maternal grandmother, the wife of Israel Hunt, was a Wheeler. | This account hi, gave to the New England .Historic Genealogical J Society. He dr&w up also a chart showing the ancestry of mother, Mary Susin Hunt. / In the New England Historic Genealogical Society he served for seven years (1921-15(27) as a member of the Committee on CoUtc. 4 tion of Records (no^merged in the ilew Committee on Epitaph: and Records); and, at V stated meeting of the Society on 4 Novem-" ber 1925, he was elected a Coundl)6r of the Society, to take ti* ;1 place, for the remainder\i a three/year term, of a Councillor | had resigned the office. On the expiration of this term, on 2 Feb;n*| ary 1927, he was elected Councillor for a full term of three yearly and therefore served the Society in this capacity for more than fq years, from 4 November 1925'to 5 February 1930. He was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Scie and a member of the Geojogiisal Society of America, the BostaZJ Scientific Society, the Boston Society of Natural History, the dren?s Museum of Boston/(honorary president), the Arctic Qub, American Forestry Association, the Massachusetts Forestry ciation, the Alpine Qab of America, the Appalachian Qub (a former president), and the Harvard Travellers? Qub. He married at Stow, Mass., 18 September 1884, Eva May who was bom at Royalton, Vt., 29 August 1855, and died at bridge 8 January 1^32, daughter of George Sloan and Helen (Sanborn) Beede/ Two children, Donalo\Clinton Barton of ____________ ton, Tex., A.B./(Harvard, 1910, as of 11^11), A.M. (ib., 1912) Ph.D. (ib., Eastma Hou*v ? 2V ] 1914), a consulting geologist, and Mrs. HarofcJ-; n (Helen Mary Barton) of Needham, Mass., A 4), S.B. (Simmons, 1917), surNnve him. His eld Beede Barton, born 14 October 1887, died in infa rs ago, at a reunion at the TeachersNSchool of Scie Dr. A. Laurence Lowell, then president of Harvanl University, ] tribute to /Professor Barton as one ?on whom the care of the and its Welfare have wholly depended;? and he add?d these wc with which this memoir of a great scholar and a great teacher' appropriately end: ?Through his work he has given toV gener of teachers a familiarity with the fundamental principles\pf and tnrough them he has influenced the teaching of couatlejs" dren in Boston and vicinity." French (Radcliffe, 1 child, Harol Several & Ij 1934] Robert Carver and Some of His Descendants 215 e-.i ;<5 II ROBERT CARVER OF MARSHFIELD, MASS. * AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS Compiled by William Jonis, A.B., of BronxriUe, N. Y.f 1. Robert1 Carver, of Marshfield in the Plymouth Colony, the immigrant ancestor of most, if not all, of the early Carver families 0f New England,}: was bom, probably in England, about 1594, god was buried at Marshfield in April 1680, ?being 86 yeares old.? {Marshfield vital records.?) He married Christian ??, who buried at Marshfield 23 July 1658 (ib.). ?All placet mentioned in thia genealogy are situated within the preeesit !!?*? ef tb* Qpaim?*1,tl of Massachusetts, unleu another State or region ia in the or ?? be euily inferred from the context At the time of Robert Carver's (1680) tad f0 several years thereafter Marshfield waa in the Plymouth Colony; bat, aa the Plymouth Clbey waa eventually annexed to the Province of the Maaaachnactta Bay, fraa ?s beginning of ita settlement waa within the frtttni limita of the Commonwealth of itj jlsseacliueetts. fij fMnch of the material on which thia genealogy ia baaed via by Clifford Niefcala Cvver (??*? *?/re, Addendum, 3, i), Litt. B. (Princeton, 1911), of iftw York City lad : d Searsport, Maine, who placed it in the handa of the oompiler, with the m|if I that he jeteda in the genealogy auch additional facta pertinent to the pohiaot M Ma raeranthrs r ? sSju bring to light and prepare the whole article for publication. Thia Jan VfT done by t. ^ canpiler, who haa arranged all the material in the form reQoind foe in the ( fjfaarly all the Carvers whoae names appear in lay of the Saw l||had Staftaa )a tbe ? ' v-*:'-' ijall?d Statea Cenaua of 1790 may be found in thia genealogy. Than waa, to be aura, a ? firtir {amity in Watertown in 1638 and the yeara ImaiaiHatalir fptiewing, one Richard ; (ywr of Scratby, co. Norfolk, England, husbandman, aged 60, with bis wife Gra, aged ((da twin daughtera Elisabeth and Susanna, aged 18, and tbree servants (Iaaac Hart, ind ___. Thomas Flegg, aged 21, and Marabel Underwood, aged 20), haring paeaed, o? 11 Apr. tbs examination to go to New England and having embarked at Yarmouth, co. Norfolk, ?.fetha SUM year. He settled at Watertown, and is hia will, datad II Dae. 1638 and proved ? ytn* Cot. John Winthrop 9. 7 mo. [9 Sept.] 1641, be atyled hiseadf "of watettowae, ia Safland, yeoman/* and left alt hie property to hia wife two lUsgbUtl Aa ha ?v* ? ?jao sons, the family surname must have disappeared with the rVeethi or marriafaa of the ; ^ggkiers. (Cf. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, roL 1, p. 344, in which the dataa per-1 ^jig to the will are given incorrectly. Pope's Pioneers of p. 91, *1*. Retract of Richard Carvcr?a will, as printed in the Haoirraa, vul. jj p. 262.) V jAJthough the vital records of Marshfield have not yet bean published in book form. eitWr ! ^ |fca series of Vital Records of Massachusetts Towns prior to 18S0 approved by the ^gsattwealtb of Maasachusetta or otherwise, yet genealogiata who era unahle to conaah & ariginal record* at Marshfield will find in print in the RaoiSTfjL, roi. 6. pp. J47-352 ; (October 1852), all the marriagea (some copied in full and others given in condensed farwj ,^r*d in the town books of Marshfield from 23 Nov. 1642 to the end of 172S, laciaaive. aiarriagcs were communicated to the Raotaraa by Mias M. A. Thoaiaa, wWi ?w unicsled in aimilar fashion to the Racifru, vpl, jm. 191-193, 228-230 (April aad ' 1834), deaths and burials recorded in the town Moka ot Marshfield from 26 Nov. 1649 I Nov. 1726, inclusive. Moreover, is Tk* Uiyfiown DttttmdmU, vol. 2, p. I (January the publication of a verbatim copy of the vital record* fvaud ia the town book* of 'eld, transcribed by George Ernest Bowman, the editor of that yi ifiriwi waa bagna, i bees continued from time to time, in inatalments ?f varyi^ tfcm<h, the rocorda , of the famlliea appearing ia recent iaaues of the wnil|l| |?W >WtwinK <hnm , tht last quarter of the eighteenth century. ; l aiailar fashion Mr. Bowman has tranaqribed aad I* wMlittu jwtih !?>? fa( Tht <?*.4 wrr DttcnuUuU verbatim copies of the vital rcoorda of'.'etCi* tMr&a ^na?ily ia die *'i . tfh Colony, among which may be mentioned fc^ Ftr*btUh, beci?ai?f h# ML X p.' * uly 1899). and Mlddlaboraugh. beginning tj Ly W ?p that thoae who are unable to cotttob till nrfcrlMl mimh it lfcii>?>gagi ?? I . 7U Uayfavtr Dttcndtn* verbatim e^pici t>?; tar tfcis tfartgahw^ i tW dghutoth c*ntury. ? " 'C ?,4| ?^3 (he vital records of a town have been rotiH?|ipJ htofc lenav iithar is the alphe- rrangement approved by the Connana^lHi etWwiaa. the W- trrmagciamt ! valjHBie* are referred to la xhi? geneskfy (to Vital RecoitU. When the vtul of f -jf
Carver 一document-041