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10 ■ 33bd	6ISt?2i882S	6S:TT	20.	80	ddW
Oted however (see table 2) ie. Ibis suggests that the a its own; however, much ice on it.
i were not dissimilar from lual context (see table 2) case of site d no soil was
Sat. water l0(Z) content?/.)
2.9	11
2.4	37
IA	10
2.1	30
2.1	27
2.9	20
2.3	23
1.7	23
1.9	20
1.7	64
1.3	18
1.9	20
0.3	9
0.2	20
iaJcuUting the malts of table
the same as that of the that at the depth from ;t throughout the burial itod, that/ - 0.8±0.2, I to the saturation water
it sites (see table 2) it is iatc to intercomparison tem. The Claiborne site he coast—see figure 1), ates for the individual material borderline for *overty Point sites the
TL dating of baked day balls; Poverty Point culture	273
Table 2 TL dales for project 143: six tiles of the Poverty Point culture and one associated she
		Individual remits		
			Random	Anrage date for the context with
SUe	Sample	Date	error	limits of error and reference number
Terra]	a 1	1492 B.C.	±430	10W B.C. (± 130, ±230, OxTL 143s)
lnl>	a 2	1169 b.c.	±280	
	a 3	M3 B.C.	±290	
	a 4	988 B.C.	±230	
Poverty	b 2	120 ».c.	±130	
Point	b 3	841 B.C.	±370	
	b 4	3303 b.c.	±330	750 B.C. (±200. ±200. OxTL 143b)
	b 5	973 B.C.	±380	
	b 6	1079 B.C.	±250	
Jaketown	d 1	1344 B.C.	±230	
	d 2	942 B.C.	±580	1080 D.c. (± 110, ± 250, OxTL 143d)
	i 3	908 B.c	±290	
	d 4	838 B.C.	±300	
Tcoc Creek	• 1	1280 B.C.	±310	
	e 2	964 i.e.	±680	
	e 3	967 b.c.	±250	
	e 4	641 B.C	±200	1070 ac (± 100. ±220. OxTL I43e)
	e 5	J034 B.C.	±240	
	e 6	1419 B.c	±320	
	e 7	1247 B.C.	±290	
Shoe Bayou	f 2	833 B.C.	±245	
	f 3	1510 B.C.	±220	
	f 4	292 B.C.	±150	1000 B.C. (±170;, ±220, OxTL 1430
	f 5	971 B.C.	±300	
	I 6	1226 b.c.	±250	
	f 7	II34B.C.	±180	
	Esleeusd	on account of fadlna		
x-rv		326 H.C.	±150	
Claiborne ]	| g 2	374 n.c.	±230	
■ U	> 3	2186 b.c.	±670	650 B.C. (±520. ±240, OxTL 143*)
	% 4	295 AD.	±290	
	8 5	625 b.c.	±310	xee~:
Lossy	(herds			
Bayou	c 11	324 a.d.	±190	
	c 12	361 A.D.	±140	
	c 13	371 AJ».	±230	410 a.d. (±40, ±130, OxTL I43cl)
	C 14	346 a.d.	±220	
	c 15	382 A.D.	±190	
	c 16	554 A.D.	±250	
	clay bolls			
	c 22	325 a-d.	±380	
	0 23	170 a.o.	±600	290 a.d. (±50. ±260, OxTL 143cZ)
	c 24	305 a.d.	±340	
Halt: The uvorige dates and cxrcn have bam c&leulaud •ocording to the lynuns of /Mtfcca luod Altdrad (1973). The first limit of «nor liven in p&mttluaea alter the avtnigo date for a context Is the jundard error of the mein value; the Heood u tb* predicted error both random and •yttarauic. la the pwcni project it ii vuiid to i»a the firil UlQit fof comparison botWAtn sitee but the mccind limit ihould be ased fot oompaziioo with radiocarbon dtleR or other ofcronologici.
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Claiborne Historical Site Archaeometry-Pp-269-275-(06)
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