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f KING’S DAUGHTERS’ 1' EXECUTIVE BOARD % MEETS AT GREENVILLE Mississippi Circles Open Annual Convention On ** Thursday—Bay St. Louis Delegates-o @£/<r J7---------------- 4T<f Members of the executive board of the King’s Daughters and Sons’ Circles of Mississippi met at Gain6s-y viHe Tuesday preliminary to the*' opening of the annual convention Thursday. I j' Mrs. Henry S. Elley, of Suf-j folk, Va., president of the national organization, was among the early arrivals. Mrs. J. W. Woolwine, | Yazoo City, state president, also arrived Tuesday. Attending the board meeting were Mrs. Woolwine, Mrs. Earl Brewef, •Jakson; Mrs. Wiliam Harris, Jackson; Mrs. Harrie L. Wells, Greenville, Mrs. T. C. Hannah, Mrs. A. F. Fournier, Bay St. Louis and Miss Lucy McKay, Greenwood. Registration of more than 100 delegates is expected for Thursday. Others will follow later. Mrs. Woolwine will preside over Thursday’s session and Mrs. R. T. Clark, Natchez; Miss Mary E. Dorsey, Greenville, and Mrs. Archie Gordon, Long Beach, will be speakers. Mrs. Elley will be the principal speaker at a banquet to be attended by hundreds of Greenville citizens. The'convention will continue thru Friday afternoon at which time the 1938 convention city will be selected and new officers inducted. Delegates from Bay St. Louis include Mrs. A. F. Fournier, local j president; Mrs. Qi Y. Blaize, Misses I Elsa and Hilda Spo'rtf'-.who traveled ] | by tram from New Orleans. Mrs. i j G. Y. Blaize, accompanied by Mrs. J j Bernard Blaize and Miss Margaret French, • the letter of Pass Christian, will comprise the party Lhat will mofor to Greenville. Bay St. Louis is well represertRi.y Mrs. Fournier, local president 13 on various convention programs and 1 personally identified with the Kin? Daughters’ hospital work over f State. < ¥ Cor^v pi. \ We qui ter from u mer: HO’S P ITAL DAY; “Inudf ________ j very best t > placency is Open House to Be Held At truth about ly exist. I addressed the Ingallj tion at Pa and I rfj May 12th, is designated as Nation-' substant/ al Hospital Day. This day will be effort,”^ observed in Bay St. Louis, and the Mr. -King’s Daughters and Sons Hospital yard 'will have open house from 2:00 need roi 4 o’clock to 5.00 o’clock P. M. A supplies t shower will be given for the hospi- Allies fi\ tal at this time. | pointing f , (.continued on page 3) KINGS DAUGHTERS TO OBSERVE NATIONAL Hospital May 12th From 2 to 5—Shower To Be Given at Same Time all? ar mt21 -5 every w-victory Admit a 1 Colmer, si Each year it has been customary to give a shower for the benefit of the hospital. We, in jHancock County, should appreciate the work, being done at our small hospital. It; sometimes, is hard for the average person to' aPathy ar visualize the amount of charity pa- the stark tients who receive treatment here, tions as * and it is hard for the King’s Daugh- ^ Adm* ters to carry on this noble work!mer as we without some help. | that, that The means of financing the hos- j tributes. ( pital is derived entirely from dona- j sincere an tions, with the exception of the small Sive, to h State appropriation and the money ( as they v received from patients who are able ^ac*s. to pay, which is rather negligible, j politically. The Hospital Board is not in a po- ’one the sition to purchase all of the necessi- ( Colmer so ties, such as, sheets, towels, bed- j °f ^is Disti spreads, pillow cases, wash clothes, that so fey dishes and many other items that jw1^ ever are used about the hospital. I ~' We are appealing to the people of Young J "Hancock County to answer the cail j •of the King’s Daughters and on May Wallace V 12th, give them a shower that will, y0Unges Teally be worth while. Help them']yjrs £ ^ j "to carry on the good work that they!-*!.;,, v.ort;pi are doing. j making hi^ If you are not familiar with the Adolph Orz ■problems with which they are con-j fune5 fronted and do not know the amount ternoon at J of charity work that is being done,'ment jn thJ let us suggest hat you call at the Rev Father hospital and we are sure that the officiated.’ I Superintendent will be happy to ' >phe deceas acquaint you with the facts as they sjsters- Mrs. • actually exist. man Gay^'M. The hospital is a necessity and is' two half sistc becoming much more so each day. i an(j Eloise Mr Do not forget the King’s Daughters thers Alvalf Hospital at Bay St. Louis. We urge ^ert Mauffraj you to visit the hospital on that day thers Ferdinr between the hours of 2:00 o’clock T^e deceased and 5:00 o’clock P. M. jos_ Ma
Kings Daughters Hospital Document (006)