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June 21, 1979 Ms* Anna Lee Bouslog 2^10 John Drive Urbana, IL. 61801 Dear He.' Bouslogi Slnee writing you on yesterday we have done a little research and have found some instruments of reoord In the Hanoook County oourthouse whloh would be of Interest to you. Our organization is a non-profit organisation and what little income we have Is derived by way of dues and donations* We do not have funds for making copies, postage, eto*. and for this we are dependent upon donations* Therefore, if you would kindly send the Hanoook County Historical Society your cheok for say $5*00, marking the same donation, we wuuld be happy to proceed and send you copies of the material we find. Also, as I stated in my previous letter, these Bcrtarlog* were land developers and on further investigation I found where Wttftlasr H*Bouslogand his wife, Lillian, purchased a tract of land and Bouslog*s subdivision was developed* VIthout further investigation It is believed that Bouslog Street Is in this area and that Is how it derived Its name* It would be appreciated if you would write me at the above address, which Is my home* In this way the mail will be received without delay, sinoe mall addressed to the Society at the Post Office Box is not picked up every day* Also, as I wrote you yesterday, an M* P.* Bouslog at one time owned Elmwood Manor and he in turn in 1906 sold this property to Elba H* Bouslog (his sister-in-law, I believe)i Her husband was John Howell Bouslog* They had three daughters, Helen* Faith and Elba* Helen married one Donald Marshall and had a son, Charles, and a daughter, Mary Bite* Charles was a prominent'^lawyer in New Orleans and died a oouple of years ago* Mary Elba married James Campbell and moved to Alabama. Should you wish' to communicate with Mary Elba her address Is as followsi Mrs*1 James Campbell, 1400 Forest Lane, Anniston, Alabama* ' v Sincerely, (Mrs*) Helene*C* price. Treasurer Hanoock County )Hlaf|torloal Society
Bouslog, William Bouslog-006