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?.|V/? WAO.
Record of members?Continued.	'
Name.	M ?	1 Company.	Orjranization.	s > H 0 a 0 JC & G -S	?Jj = ? ; 3 r- 't* 1		Nativity, State or] country. 1
Rrownlpp Rov A ?.	P...	I...	6 111. Inf. . .	7	1 s..		111
v'~ lu\.v f VJ 4 #	P...	C...	34 r.S.Inf	10	p..		
Brownold, Lafay-	P...	K..	M Ohio Inf		4	c...	23	Mich..
ette.	P .		21 Ohio L.A....	21			
Brown son, Sidney f	P...	E..	3 Minn. Inf		is	c...	21	X.Y..
J ? Broyhill, Johnson..	P...		r.s.M.c		4*	c...	19	N.C...
Brovles, Joseph W.	P...	a "	134 Ind. Inf		3	c...	12	Ind...
Brubaker, Arthur..	('....	A..	75 Ind. Inf		35	c...	24	Ohio..
Bruce, Walter S		P...	B..	Indnt. Battn.	3	p		XV..
			Wa<h. Inf.				
Bruce, William II..	P...	C...	173 Ohio Inf		9	c...	19	Ohio..
Bruckner, Ferdi-	P...	K..	2 Ill.Cav		20	c...	21	Ger...
Bruckner, George	P...	B..	7 r.s.inf		21	s...		X.Y..
H.	P...		14 r .s.c. A		36			
Bruckner, John		c....	B..	15X.Y.H.A....	19	0...	27	Ger...
Brnftdley, George..	p...	I...	3 Conn. Inf		X	s		Pn....
Bruei, Robert		p...	I,. .	22 Kans. Inf		5	s...	..!!	Ger...
	QMS	O..	20 r.S.Inf		36	p..		
Bruette, Phillip		1*...	F..	12 Wis. Inf		15	c...	20	Can...
Bruma^e, Richard	P...	G..	SS Ohio Inf		3	c...	22	W.Ya.
F.	P...	B..	159 Ohio Inf		4	c...		
Brumfield, Poudas	C....	K..	2 Ark. Inf		s	s...		Mo....
Brunett, Napolion..	P...	<i..	42 Pa. Inf		Pi		"20	Can...
	P...	G?	190 Pa. Inf		1	('...		
Brunker, William	S....	K..	13 U. S. Inf		tin	I...	....	X. Y..
A.	s		K..	6 V. S. Inf		120	I...		
Branson, Lawrence	p...	(l)	5 U. 8. Inf		36	P.I.		Ala...
r,. Brunst, Peter		p...		SOhio 1.. A		41		25; Her...	
Brush, Arthur W..	p...	i?::	3 r. S. Cav		6	<s		Mo	
Brush, Kdsun		p...	G..	Ill Pa. Inf		IS	c'.!;	"?20	Pa....
Brush, John A		p...	0..	11 Ind. Inf		4	c...	:U)	Ind...
	p...	e...	2 Ind. Cav		2S			
Brushy John P..	J.t..	B..	1 N. Y. Inf		25	c...	23	X. Y..
"Brush, TeTer		p...	K..	7 Kv. Cav		36	C...	30	X. Y..
Brusman, Jacob		p...	K..	63 Ohio Inf		IS	c...	24	< >hio..
Brusoe, Kdvvard...	p...	F..	10 N. Y. IT. A		34	c...	24	X. Y..
Bruton, John		p...	A..	13 X. Y. S. Mil...	4		21	Ire....
	p		lN?. J.L. \..	17	c...		
Bruyea, Nelson	p...	1...	2 X. Y.Cav		23	c...	21	X. Y..
Bryan, Karl F... .	p...	L. .	7 Ohio Inf		-	s...	....	Ohio..
Bryan, Edward		s	1...	16 U.S.(?.Inf....	27	(?...	27	Kv....
Brvant, Amos S		p...	G..	10 Me. Inf		IS	c...	27	Me...
Bryant, Charles Wr.	p...	D..	2 F. S. Inf		10	p..		Ohio..
iiryunt, Clark S		p...	I,. .	1 Cal.Cav		37	c...	25	Ohio..
Bryant, Daniel (!..	Mus.	Bud	12 Ohio Inf		13	c...	20	Me
Bryant, David		P...	(5 ..	26 Mich. Inf		34	c...	30	Mich..
Bryant, Dock		P...	F..	IS T.S.C. Inf....	IS C...		20	Mo....
Bryant, John C		P...	H..	46 Mass. Inf		10	('...	24	Mass..
Bryant, John \V		P...	F. .	34 V Y. Inf		5	c...	30	X. Y..
Bryant, Joseph		P...	I)..	23 Kans. Inf		9	s...		Kv....
Bryant, I.evi C		c....	II..	40 Ind. Irif		4		?24	Ind...
	p		14 Ind. I.. A		10			
Bryum, Jess		p...	D..	4 C.S. Inf		16	p..	6	Kans..
Buchanan, Chas. A	p...	B..	21 N.Y.Inf		IS	c...	27	x.y..
	c.....	A..	13s Ohio Inf		4			
Buchanan. Je-sse		p...	M..	13 r.S.Inf		36	p..		Ind...
Buchanan, John J..	p...	A..	3 Mo. Cav		35	c...	"is	Mo....
Buchanan, Thos. J.	p...		1 Ohio Cav		4')	c...	25	Ohio..
Buchanan,William.		d..	49 Pa. Inf		11	<'...	30	Pa....
	i\".	K..	3 Pa. Prov.Cav..	20	c...		
	p...	I)..	22 Pa. Cav		/	c...		
Buchanan, Wm. A.	p...	K..	2 C.S.Inf		43	c...	21	Krtz...
Bucher, John B		p...	c...	3 Mo. Cat		30	c...	30	Ala...
	u...	I...	17(1 Ohio Inf ,	1	c...		
Buck, Hassort A		s....	D..	7 Mich. Cav		36	c...	30	X.Y..
Buck, John F.		p...	B..	9 C.S. Inf		36	P.I.	12	Ill
	p...	L. .	22 r.S.Inf	11	P.I.		
	c....	B..	3 r.s.c. A		2S	P.I.		
Buck, John Jacob..	I'...	B..,	12 r.s. inf		lfi	c...	24	Ger...
Buck, Julius		p...	K. J	3 N.J. Cav		19	c...	27	Ohio..
i a
. '*
17, 1,061 29 7, 2,17, 71
3, 4.17
C.dis.	3,11,16.
D.	prc.
% P.pre.
1,	3,15< 70; Mt. dis. 13,12,16.
22,	*,13'	fiS:	M. dec. 5,3.17.
21,	6,11.	fi9	M.dls. 17.3,17.
9,	2,17	14;	P.pre.
26,	9.02i	ISO;	C.pre,
13,12.13i 69 VV.prn.
10,	7,	It*!	42	S. dis. 11,10,16.
6,	7,	lfi!	79:	P. dec. 6.10,16.
1.11,13! 49' F.dpd. 26,12,16. Is), 1.17; 39) Mt. dis. 27,3,17.
24, 4,05! 63! NW. dis. 31.3,17. S, 7,93: 54) BMS.dis.11,9,16.
2,	9,13	52|	W-pre.
20,	9,95	55>	('. pre.
2,10,16; (ill P. dec. 25,12,16.
17,	7,161	50j	P. pre.
S,	3.01	5Xi	c. pre.
4, 2,16! 41, P.pre.
9,11, IK 70 S. dis. 2S, 3.17.
11,	2,17: S3; D. dec. 21,4,17.
IS, 12,071 66! C. pre.
20, 5.03! 67; BM3. dis. 14.4,17. 17, tl, 14; 70; ('.dec. 17,5,17.
IS, 3,09	................
17. 3,a3
55 P. doc. 31,3,17. 59! p. pre.
21, 9,14 69,
15.11,	lfi! 44!
25,	2,17; 77| 23, ?, 17! sr 21, 5,15 4*!
2,12. OX 64:
26,	10, it>i 77 30, 1, os to;
29.11.	lfi 70! 15, 4. SOI 35;
9, 5.01 fiSj IS, 7,01: 44! 9,11,95! 55!
E.dis. 2S,3,17.
C.	tire.
F). pre.
K. pre,.
C'., 1,17.
W. dec. 30,11,16. NV.dls.25,4,17. W. pre.
K.dis. 18,4,17., 17. W, pre.
D.	dis. 20,3,17.
24,	5.	lfi!	41	W. dis. 15,1,17.
22,	5,17	SI!	1>. pre.
19, 5, 15j 44j C. dis. 16,6,17. 2,	9.15!	67i	W. prc.
25,	7,13:	6<*	(?.pre.
20,10,	lfi!	75'	C. pre.
19, S, 1?! sol P. pre.
16,10,11] 73 Mt.pre.
25, 3,0l: 60! P.pre.
2, 3,17 30! Mt. dis. 22,5,17.
21, 5. Vi 23, 7,96
56j C. dee. 4, 7,16. fi2! C. dec. 27,4,17.
1 Unassigned.

Brush, John 006
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Hancock County Historical Society
All rights reserved