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Mississippi Parish History -2 of 8- [NBCC SPOTLIGHT]	Page	1	of	3
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One of the great concerns I share with many of my brother priests centers on the cavalier manner in which some of the faithful approach Holy Communion today. Given our Catholic belief that the Lord Jesus Christ is really, truly, substantially present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, one would expect that this great gift would be handled with the greatest care, reverence, and devotion by each and every practicing Catholic. Alas, that is not always the case. Read Full Story
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Mississippi Parish History: "As A Working Church Grows..."
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The record of baptisms in the archives of the present parishes of DeLisle start with August 1869, and up to April 16, 1871, are recorded in French by Rev. H.A. DeMorangies. To retrace our steps a few years and explain the fact that the mission was not mentioned in the directories from 1851 to 1866, we find Bishop Elder writing on April 19, 1866, at the close of the Civil Was to Father Pont of Pass Christian: "I am glad to hear of the good disposition at Wolfe River but much grieved at not being able to take advantage of them. I have no priest to send there." Father Georget, coming to Pass Christian about January 5, 1968, attended Wolfe River. The next name we meet in the years of long ago is that of the well known Father Le Due. In a letter Bishop Elder wrote to Father Le Due of Bay St. Louis on April 6, 1872, the Bishop congratulated Father Le Due on his successful work at Wolf River.
On November 14, the same year, Father Le Due, writing to Bishop Elder states that Wolf River is suffering for want of a priest and ought to be attended regularly. This want was supplied by the appointment of the first resident priest at Wolf River in the person of Rev. Theo. Meershaert, whose entries in the parish record start with December 8, 1872, and end with August 24, 1874. Needless to say, Rev. Theophile
Article Index
A History of St. Pius V Parish: 1919-2003
Mississippi Parish History: "As A Working Church Grows..."
Neighbor-To-Neighbor: Outreach To Evangelization!!
Our Savior Catholic Church
St. Bernardine's Parish... "God Will Give The Increase!"
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church
St. Monica Parish
The Congress IX Host Committee as Parish
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