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administration of the said Succession and that after tfie legalpuBlication, delays and formalities, he 6e appointed, sworn and qualified as administrator and that Octave Morel, a Notary (PuBlic, 6e empowered and authorized to maf{? an Inventory of the said Succession property.
He prays for all further orders and decrees necessary in the premises and for general relief
FrankjD. Chretieu A tty for petitioner
State of Louisiana	<District Court
(Parish of Orleans
<Before me the undersigned authority personally (x) and appeared Mr. Victor (Benit, who 6eingfirst duly sworn, deposes and says:
That Marie Fromantin wife of Jacques (Demoruede, died in this City on the if* day of NovemSer 1874, and that Jacques (Demoruede died in this City on the ltfr' day of (DecemBer, 1875 ?
(s) Victor (Benit
Sworn to andsu6scri6ed6efore me this 25tli day ofFeBy., 1875.
FrankjPace Jr. Clerf^
The following claims having Been considered of no value By said appearers are Brought down on the present Inventory as I______________________Memoranda.
A claim against (E. F. (Brown for Thirty seven 25/100 dollars	$37.25
"	"	?	M. Santana for?Fifteen 50/100 dollars	15.50
?	?	L. gregoire for One hundredfifteen 53/100 dollars	15.53
?	?	?	(P.JL.T______________for Sixty three 70/100 dollars	63.70
?	?	?	J. (B. Latourfor One hundred Seventy one 92/100 dollars	171.92
?	?	?	tf. Queyroy for Forty one 50/100 dollars.	41.50
"	JC Madelfor Thirty sixidodars	36.00
?	?	?	F. (D. MeBy for Ninety dollars	90.00
And there Being nothing more (x) to me to Be included in the present Inventory I have (x)the(x) and caused it to Be signed By the said appearers and witnesses together with me after reading of the whole, on the day month and year such aBove (3^jt ?
Joe Qaudel <Dy cler
(s) Joseph MirrL (s) g.__agnard

Demoruelle 006
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