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EMILY DONELSON Page 2 of 2 the Lords Baltimore Understanding the American Revolution and its People Everything Beatles! Everything Maryland! then remarried Andrew in a second ceremony. Having lost his wife, and since President Jackson needed a mistress of the White House, he chose Emily, as his wife Rachel had chosen Emily to assist her with those duties. Emily, prior to moving to Washington, had been the mistress of Tulip Grove Plantation, where she cared for her husband, Major Andrew Jackson Donelson, and their family. As Jackson began his Presidency, he was a tired and sad man, as he missed his family who were not present with him. In time, Emily gave the White House a family mansion atmosphere, and Washington society approved of her. During her stay with her Uncle President, she had only one disagreement, in that she refused to recognize Peggy O'Neale, the wife of Jackson's friend and Secretary of War. Jackson sent her back to Tennessee as a result, only to recall her later when the controversy was resolved. In the last year of his Presidency, Jackson was quite upset and worried about Emily?s health. She had developed tuberculosis, and was returned to Tulip Grove, and who was losing strength rapidly. Emily, hoping to see her husband who was in route from Washington, died December 19, 1836, two days before her husband finally arrived. Copyright? John T. Marck. All Rights Reserved. This article and their accompanying pictures, photographs, and line art, may not be resold, reprinted, or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from the author. From The First Ladies of the United States by John T. Marck. http: //www. aboutfamouspeople. com/article 1054. html 4/1 q nanf,
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