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oiding of this, the very nature of the Transaction points out necessity of it.
Your Excel!', well knows that all Publick Boards are more p-ticular than others (and for the general good of the Publick tli ought to be so) and the holders of those Bills could not reasonatT expect a premium of 10 pr. Cent damages for protest, ?without a Voucher. Consequently the protest with the original Bills musts produced at the State of Virginia (where the Payment is to be mad as they are the only Vouchers that can be received; to Indemnify men in Office for the Payment of those Bills, after which the hold'* of the Bills, can order Mr. Rendon or their attorney to remit th"? Funds where they please.
With respect to the time of Payment, and my Exertions in Business I must only refere your Excell'. to my last Letter on subject and your knowledge on Business of this nature.
I have the honor to be with all due respect Sir
Your Most Ob1 and___________*
Very Ilum^.
His Excellency Govr. Miro.
FAVKF. to Tugean November 86,178311
Copt of a Letter Written by the Interpreter Favre to* Tuoean of the Choctaw Nation at Mobile.	?:
I have the honor of writing to you to inform youlhaTthe sava do not want to go to Galveston. They had rather do without the gi This is why I have decided to go immediately with four chiefs of: great medal to the Bay of St. Louis to see Mr. Maxent. I hope t<T by sea to Mobile upon"my return from New Orleans. I assure?^ that I am quite tired of the Choctaws.	J
FranchimaSFabe and Taboka did not want to come to see me, have forbidden their warriors to listen to the message. They are go to Savannah with Bendime. Many of the petite partie have there too.
You will be so kind as to send me Mingomastabe?s medal and1 son?s gorget.
At the Choctaws, in the grande partie, November 25, 1783
I certify that the foregoing is copied from the original
Mobile, December If, 1783
Grimarest (Rubricjl
n bL, (French).
POST WAR DECADE, 1782-1791
Robinson to Commandant of Natchez
December 7,178372
State of North Carolina,
Davidson?s County Nashborodgh Dec?. 7 1783
Sir : I have received a Proclamation from his Excellency Alex-nder Martin Governer and Commander in Chief of this State retiring to have apprehended certain Persons (to the number of irteen as specified in said Proclamation, a copy of which I will send y a French Boat which is a Trading here) who are accused on join--g Capt?. James Colbert of the Chicasaw Nation at the Chicasaw luffs and from thence proceeding down the River in a Warlike 'anner which Persons so apprehended to send to you for Tryal; hich Orders shall be Obey?d as soon as possibly they c^n; but at present it is impossible as they have chiefly dispersed themselves, I nnot tell where some into Different States, and what few remain ere have got Families, but are absconded into the Woods, so that it ay be a considerable time before I can have any of them appre-'ended but the number will be so inconsiderable, and them I make g Doubt the most Innocent that I could rather hope you would Accord in the General Ratification of Peace and give a General Par-on for all past Offenses as the lives of a few individuals whose amilies thereby will be totally ruined can make but small Satis-e~*ion but Pardoning the whole must be esteemed Generous and pble.
But if you should not think it just and cannot accord thereto I will everything in my Power to bring them to Justice, and wish to ve as speedy an Answer as possible for I know my Countrymen give every Assistance in their power as we all wish to Cultivate greatest Friendship with the Subjects of his most Catholic Maj-? and with all well wishers to this and the United States, am, Sir, with the greatest Respect, Your most Obedient, Most -ble Serv*. to Command ?
,j	James	Robinson	L.	Col?.	(Rubric)
. S. The Bearer Mr. James Hoggalt appears to me to be a Gentle-n of Character and Varasity therefore shall refer you to him for her Particulars. I am
J. R.
*01, PC. leg. 2370 (English).
824010?49?vol. 3, pt. II?9

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