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sm. Funeral Services ierr*1 ArgfHeldiforip Dr. John A. Mead ' A large crowd of moumiaf M?ids and neighbors attended funeral services tor Dr. John A. Mead Tuesday afternoon at Main Street Meth-* odist church. Dr. W. A. Hall, pastor Of Power Memorial Presbyterian church in Jackson, officiated, assist-* ed by Dr. B. M. Hunt, pastor and Df. J. T. Leggett, former pastor of Main Street church. - Ai th* tllver grew metallic casket, topped by i large spray of red roses, was rfelled. down the church aisle, Dr. Hunt r?ad scripture passages. Mrs,, P. H? Smith, organist, playfed "In the SWeet fiya and Bye? for! the prooe&slohal. After the pallbearers find family I war* seated other scripture* were read by Dr. Hunt. Dr. Leggett offered grayer. Mrs. A. B. Hassell and Mrs. IAW-rence Hudson, jr., sang as i dUet. "Lead Kindly Light,? accompanied by Mrs. Smith. In his ? brief, remarks concerning Dr. Mead, Dr. .Hunt* Said, "I think people honor physician* .' ? . w4 hohor them because they- restore health to fe#bie bodies, they bring guidance to the sick. ??* Dr. Mead lived up bo the high standard of that high profession. We honor him for his great noble heart. He would havi lived much longer if he had spared himself. Even when 111 hei went to the sick. He was a noble husband and father. I will say ho more on this occasion hut to Call attention to his faith, His favorite Scripture was "TTiy will be done.' tmd he did not seek anything contrary to this divine purpose. .. Dr. Hall, who of floated at' thi marriage of Dr. .kna Mrs. Mead in 1911,, Ipoke Of his friendship With MfS.? Mead's- family, saying It'nad reached back over a long period 01 y???- "1,oft*nroun4>th? Meads', w W tfu*; fritndi," hiiittid. lp*nt;hu Ufi^uiinft paih and try* br-?:?Me,pa4n.o,?Ie trusted tVtM Lorcrind tfiMf !HU>Wlll bedott#J told btrttv ot ci&iit; nCBif^wiLi iiiai-idas? cross, the placing of the body in the tomb, the resurrection ot the body and how He went to hla friends, laying "I am the resurrection . . 1. I am the light.? 'Some day .when - the trumpets sound, we will-come from the grave . . , let not "your heart be troubled; ye believe In Ood, believe also in me. lb my father?s housa are many pilh-slons; if It Were hot so, I would have told you. I go to, prepare a place tot you .T , 1 Will come again, and receive you unto tayself; that where J am there ye may be also.? 1 Dr. Hall Closed th* church perYifle with prayer. tMn. Smith played the processional as the funeral cor tege fil?l.jjuV of the church: ' .,'; Intenn?nt*,waa in Roseland PM* cemetery (rfjerq Masonio rite* were conduot^d aft th* grave. Hulett Fu neral Homt^wu U} oharg* ot art rangementi.jA..' Active paabeaiw Evans, D. W.-Holme*, Jr?v 0. ^0; Drummond, Dr, R. A. McLwnor*, H. H. Bunoh,. Homer- Pittman, Bruce Aultman and Sidney Drummond. Honorary pallbearers were doctors and druggists of Hattiesburg. . Dr. Mead, who lived With his family at 118 ffofth.aand died suddenly Monday morning at nia medical 1 office in - the Car^r building He' was 0J year* oM/*...-'"'? , I v Following, graduation V from , m*d- \ leal school.-Dr. Mead'pt*ctia*d In t hla-homeJ t<rini of Logtown 10 years 1. and served $s Haooock County kMlth.1' offioer ?ic'jrawy. ' *-;t, ? Dr. ud Mr*. M*ad Mattie Ml* ties burg ta bh* <all of Lqwtown.Y In addltto? to hi* Wife, I Dr. Mead. W 'survived W oor *061 1 flv* daughter* sad fir* gnuulaMt dren. ' .
Mead Funeral-Services-Held-for-Dr.-John-A.-Mead