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Biloxi	July	Z?li	1923.
Kind frlend s-	&
Your letter just received, and *we were glad to hear from thee, and to learn that thou be^ievest in the
-	Lord Jesus;' the Christ of God, ?who osme to fulfill all thing? that ware written concerning hirnBelf, and; this he has dona, and became the high priest forever after the order of Malohisedeo; and in tho name of the Lord and faith that is by his name, is his faith revealed, and now by his name* &a& his faith thru his name, is this great ministry shed forth and brought in his elect, the true heir of,all his true eals&tiOn and fellowship unto tlie Fatherwho hath revealed the Son of ilan, and thru communion that has^been revealed, that all prophecies and proraises and gifts are now ready and thru the acts of his righteous will, hath set up and put in aation many wonderfiil prophecies that have lain in.
^ sedret, and shut up uiati&l now, whereby we do know that-this is the end of all things promised us, he has now mdev .| reSjdy that it can he accepted by the true believers who ?'?7>
trtu? faith -that -T?as delivered and taught 3sy ~H*
^	r	^	Wm	^	m	m	909 wv	? ml >	^	* *	? *?	V	?	^	w.	^?
JesuVs of Hazarei;h, who becaae the mouth-pieoe and door wher??*
?	by we may enter into his rest.	*
-V ?
The script that is printed in "book form accost-* panying this wonderful ministry, there has not been any price set nopn it? persons have already sent us $5*00 for a copy, and we feel satisfied to let them Open the price for the book; nevertheless, we don't Bet a,ay price, but wish averyon? to have an oppor enmity of sending what they please for a copy, and we feel that' in this way vre wall receive enough bo that r;e can give some to the poor,
Rusting this will answer ycur (very kind letter, and that we will liear from thee shortly, and that we will be able to send thee a copy before long-, for the time has already run Qut that the publishers required to finish tho first five hundred, !Ehey havent come yet .*? looking for them every day.
Very sincerely and truly,
?	Brother Isaiah.

Oliver, T Brother-Isaiah-Biloxi-Mississippi-July-27-1923
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