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loyal that particular nan was during a diaasterous flood. And again I overheard him upbrrld a young negro boy for sitting on a bench beneath the magnolia trees with "Boy, don?t you know better than to sit down here? There's always something to be done on this place.? And his gruffhess with hla grandohildr?nI Hqw poorly It conceals his justified pride In the in I I like the way Commodore Jahncke refers to hks wife there?s deep admiration and pride and affection in all of his references to her. There was something vary special in the way the Commodore dictated his chapter called "Houseboat Honeymoon" and I faded into oblivion as did all of Pass Christian on the day when he recalled a trip he made to Mountain Lake, Virginia under pretext of trying to buy another barge (of all things) because he knew there he wouM meet Lewis Stanton's charming daughter I And running all through 111* memoirs like a gay checked scarf are recurrfcng stories of Mrs* Jahncke*s help at social functions and Mrs* Jahncke's concern over the children* With an almost photogrephio acouraoy CoKmodore Jahncke oan turn back his mind and recall vividly places of beauty that Impressed him in his many travels. And strangely but vividly he reoalled the likeness of Arizona's Grand Canyon erosion-cut castles and cathedrals to the architectural structures of New York City's sky-scraper made canyonsI
Pilet A Portrait of Commodore by Joe Allen -6