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hed across the road- j 0f a. J. Black, vie--president of Ford, Bacon and Davis, who super vised its construction, and amilton, president of of Commerce, presid-ceremonies, and for interests of the city lope that the bridge yond the fondest ex-ts builders. Similar ie expressed by City , Mayor Canulette, ?rnor Adam and Nich-resenting the Mhyor?s ion. n Responds. n, president of the iridge company, re-to the messages of the representatives of id the Gulf Coast, complishtd our task,? >n, ?and here is the to use. In order to tructure, thousands of Maine to California money in the securi-ge company. They are siana for fair play and on of the bridge was a pageant symbolical ?s that will result from of the structure be-leans and the rest of Miss Betty Watson, i T. Watson, repre-na, and Miss Janelle ogalusa, depicted the As they simultaneous- ? bow in the center of ining the roadway, the art and the structure pen for use. omprise Court, n was attended by s and Patricia Watson e the members of her iting resources, cities, customs and indus-ana were Misses Arthe 1 Werner, Martha Clai-i Scott, Cecile Owen, Blanche Foster, Eve-Ethel Jane Westfeldt, . Adele Jahncke, Mari-and,. Marcelle Coyle, rs of Miss Lansing?s yrtle Gollehon, Eloise e Larrabee, Elizabeth Mercadel, Helen Fred->ulliber,"Man?ie Milloit, Ella Paine/Nellie Gar- li Rausch.'^ ?.'C?rrr :Iuding;/cereniony^ the if the court_releaseda rrier^? ?aroun to the many loyal friends who have assisted financially in its completion, f --?Capital? Needed, y ?Louisiana needs outsido^capital to develop its wonderful resources,? said Mr. Watson. ?This capital must be coaxed here; it can?t be brought with a club. In putting up the money for this bridge outsdie capital has shown its confidence that it will receive fair play in Louisiana. There are innumerable projects waiting for outside financing, and the extent to which money will pour into the state depends on the attitU'?? of the people of Louisiana. ?We have just e';cted a young energetic man of dynamic force to be our governor. Ii^capital is encouraged under^hjs., direction, Louisiana will experience a wonderful development in the next four years.? Sanders Speaks. Former Governor J. Y. Sanders characterized^the completion of the bridge as the greatest step forward for New Orleans since the building of its modern sewerage and water system. Ev^n the men concerned in the bridge project, he declared, cannot now envision what it will mean to the development of this section. by 11:45 o?clock 282 cars had passed representing the states of Mississippi, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Alabama, Florida, Texas, New York, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Canada also was represented. The bridge is not entirely completed, it v as said, as adjustments to the steel span will have to be made hut as th2 work is to be done underneath the 'j?/an it was said that it will not interfere with traffic over thejr\yj]gon wag sent bridge. Some of the steel rails have not been p'&ccd in position and there i& more pa nting to be done.' It required abort ten minutes to open the draw Wednesday to permit a boat to go throug? but when the electrical adjustmen has been completed it is said the b -idge can be opened and closed in one minute?s time. It was said that it will probably require about three weeks more to put the finishing touches on the structure. i Charles Genin and Fred Banderet, Jr., residents of Bay St. Louis, were appointed tenders of the bridge by the state highway department. and out scored .the 27-29, but were ui the large lead and by a score of 49-3' Freshmen. Toca ' star of the game fo Hale showed up fo The second game less interesting, fo: seemed to have fa playing. No one o make a shot, or rir Special City Election Called - A speci il "municipal election, to de L C Vi C V \J U i I i ^ 11 L U JL til 1 3 LI ^ 11* ? ? ? < j i ? Charles Hamilton presided at the: JwninjLSa^^ n nnH Jh,i ?ti ? WOrn and^omm?sioners_My_o^ JSay^ET luncheon and congratulations were, also tendered the bridge company officials by Bertrand L. Cohn, Lincoln :?JBush, president of the American Society of Civil Engir.oers, Judge Ru-fus?E. Foster and Thomas M. Dysart, of St. Louis. Coast Leaders Present. Included in the delegation from the Gulf Coast that attended the ceremonies weer the following: Mayor Joseph W. Milner, of Gulfport; Chas. Traub, mayor of Bay St. Louis; E. J. Adam, president of the Harrison county board of supervisors; Warren Jaqkson, B. C. Bower, Gulfport; Chas. G. Moreau, Bay St. Louis; Pierre Donnez, of Ocean Springs; Mayor H. A. Genung, of Long Beach; Joseph Mauffray, Frank Gentry, Leo W. Seal and Clem Weston, of Bay St. Louis, and H. F. Gautier, Pascagoula. The Pontchartrain bridge, the longest.concrete structure in the world, is exactly ' five miles long. .The Southern approach to the bridge is six miles long, leaving .the* Chef . Toad three miles this teur erry? approach extends ? practically^ 'Louis, has ?oeen Called for Thursday, March 8th, amount of salary to_ be voted and offered for consideration, $225.00 each. ( lit will be remembered the proposition to r?V $250.00 per month was recently r 'i'eated by a small margin olj twenty- rght votes. ;The results stood: For, 282; against, 310. ~ , It i3 expected the second proposition will carry. in Genard,. and he put team, but it was to Freshmen. Wilson f passwork and he c the next game to c men again took hor score of 41-23. 125-Pounders M The 125-poundei Rocks from the C their game on Sur This was the secor teams met this s Rocks won both gs and Winfield Pari stars for-the weigl ner was the favori itors. Delegates From Bay St. ,7g l ; ? ttending the Pontchartrain bridge celebration from Bay St.^ Louis Saturday* at the bridge and in New_ Orleans were Mayor Charles Traub, Sr.j Cammissioner F.-~H.,T??loff,' Corrrmis-sidner . Sylvan-Jv Ladner, .Joseph O. Mauffray,!Frank?S;- Gentry^ Leo, W. Kekl- Rrofier Petfirj C1 em W.VWeston Anteaters In a very excitii game Captain ?R< Tead his Anteaters tory over the Ant ?Flee-Footed? Fal was well played ai of admission, ?? enough to sit in th passwork of Leger Joe Hughes, was star for the losers Thursday, Feb. er?s Anteaters will loo when they- pli who are captainei Joe McMeel. ' .Sur fly but such Fir'e-? Masingille and a on time to save t> dren. Come one, SBarras; Say, JL? ?Boo?" ^ - Lynch: *?Boo-H< \ B arras:!-That?s about it. .''7 '?gji - ]i Dours :;Dirn? tK fone trp. again.-^:' :,n#C*ntaratvTiVhyfc,? c^Douhi':<|:.ino'w/; etto Tighter^^si
Traub, Capt Charles 006