This text was obtained via automated optical character recognition.
It has not been edited and may therefore contain several errors. p. j. Johnson, director. CEPCT1WEO?On Monday, OcTofcer 17, 19Wr of 4:20 o?clock p. ROSE; RENNA, wife of The ktfe Philip C?t>-tfneo; nx>fher of Mrs- Wcofo (Nicfc) Tedesco; iwondmother of Mrs. Vincent A. D'Aqwki; greot-yrondmother of Roy M. D'AquTIo; oee 75 ycors, o Active of Poferrno, ItoJv, and o reskhmt of Cholmette, Lo for the past 1* year*,. ftetatfves and friends of the family ore Invited to attend the funeral. Servlets from The St. Be man! Funeral nome or Larnono*f^anfwvT?Pio jnc^ //?i St. Bernard Highway, comer #f Norton Ave., on Wednesday, October 1?, 1M6 et IT c'clac*. a. m., rtifeJcus services ct Our Lcdy of Prompt Sycoor Chiircf). interment Lofce Lawn Moutotevm. Frteds may ccrfl offer 5 3. m. Tuesday. CKGS^O?On Tuesday morntoOr October \ It, JJJ4, ELLA KORA FAYARD, wife of me ia> Horace Cresoc, sister ?f ?a Add* COMy end Mrs. T. WW-Itom of SikMf/ M??. Friends mar cati at Ihe P. J. Me-Motion Fvneral Home, 4KB Canal tt. between 5 and >4 o?clock Wednw*w n?A?. Rerrwm w*i he taken to the Retonon-Fehev-WWHeW Fuwertrt Mo?ne, Bay St. Lou**, Min. tor fvlee? at 2 o'clock Thursday ofiemaeo, October 36. Our Latfv o# tt?e GaW Q*wrcti. Intel meiit Hi Cedar Rcsf Cemetery, Say St. Louis* NMk r 1 ?'ax^Cic-cx. ^oa^CxCC). 6'.e6 : r' st ct A; of m th Sen a Oi Ren U Ri of Irtte Wa? at Sen KLI ot K\ ft m *i ffa A Re*< sp or Sen Jc F? St f M a fnte fe? FrK -V *? - ,^r i _
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