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Ga as owner of 16 slaves. Bought federal land about 1818 at Cahawba Ala (then in Mississippi) but was defrauded, per legend, by son in law, Joseph Taylor. He moved on to Hancock Co Miss to join sister in law Amelia Potter Russ. Walter died in 1843 in Lydia's bouse. His wife died at age 87 in 1852. Sons moved on to East Texas. Judge D. R. Wingate was well known in Orange Tx area, owning one of the largest sawmills in the South during the Civil War. Children of Walter Wingate and his wife Mary Potter: John Wingate who moved to Montgomery Co Ala; Amy Wtagate who married Zacb Roberts; Sarah Wingate who married Henry Stanley of Conecuh Co; Robert Potter Wingate (our line, above): Emily Wingate who mamed L. Norwood; Amelia Wingate who married Henry Carre ? of France; Priscilla Wingate who married a Mr. Ford; Edward Wingate who fought for Texas Independence at Goliad, who married Eliz Jane Smith, and ancestor of the Hughy Long family; Mary Eliz. who married Gabriel Bradford of Claiborne Co; Walter Jr who married Dicey Strange - no children; Lydia who married Joseph K. Taylor in 1826._________________________________________________________________________________ evereruf $amuei <JJotter, W ?Patriot V.55 Comm/HXy - Qrp? <777- (K() ' Wife: ,\nn iftary <Potter Wingate s father was an American evolutionary Wfar patriot everend ^yimuef <Potter, tiffed fry 'firitish outlaws . A/ presume this means he was either kitted persons sympathetic !o the British cause for V* A* opposing the ?J)ritish from the pulpit j cIt is said he married in r?6o. <]\[orih (Jarolina or Connecticut . (Her mother is unknown. ?yamuel s children were: tfary who married 'Walter Wingate: Amelia who married Semptxmius us* ^ydia who married CJames: ?amueiohert ^Potter (^Father of the nfexas (])[avy - signer of the fjexus ])ectaration of independence - this according to the fuly/^ugust tj$o edition of Your Ramify ofree - which, if true, would provide a very colorful character and rogue for our family historyi Colonel Edward Wingate, ARW Patriot (1725-1789) Wife: Sarah Council (abt 1735 - 1798) Edward m 1764 appointed to the Brunswick Co Commission of Peace to fight the Stamp Act - marched with 500 other son Gov Tyson's residence-Comptro/ler swore never to issue any stamps - Edward appointed Capt in Waccamaw Militia in June 1776 - March 1777 a Major - Colonel in July 1779 - held many civic duties from 1776 to 1778 (JP - Boundary Commissioner commission to build new courthouse) - just what military engagements be was in is not known - when Wilmington was retaken from Tonies in Aug 1781, NC was essentially out of the war - Edward then returned to his Lockwood's Folly Plantation - died in 1789 - left estate to his wife - she died 1798 - Walter inherited the plantation, who had already been given 470 acres. Sarah Council?s parents are unknown to me. Children: Edward who married Susannah Bacot - moved to Darlington Co NC - his son was 26 years President of Wake Forest - was college president at age 22; Arthur Council Wingate 19
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