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? *' ? ? 2i6 Robert Carver end Some of His Descendants [Jiifp . In Rkhan&l'a ?Hfatory of Marshfield? (vol. 2, p. 160) and ?!?*? ? where it is Stated that Robert? Carver was a brother of John Carv^f -of the MdyfltWir. the first Governor of the Plymouth Colony, who .-died at PlymdtHh lrt April 1621, leaving a widow, Catherine, who dKd a few weeks after hef husband, but no children. Whether Governor,. ? Carwt hAd Wrtt1 had children, before he came to New England, not ktlKT#n.*''. Nd evidence that Robert Carver of Marshfield was lI \ brother of GoVemor Carver has ever been found, and the fact thw v he was about thirty years younger than the Governor makes this , ? relationship extremely improbable. He may have been, however, I . somewhat more distant relative of the Governor, possibly a nephew* ' . In Little's ?Genealogical and Family History of the State of Maitle (vol. 4, p. 1929) it is erroneously stated that Robert Carver was * son of Isaac Carver, who was said to have been a brother of Got. John Carver and a son of James Carver of Lincolnshire; but the late Col. Charles Edward Banks, in his ?English Ancestry and Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers? (p. 44), identified Gov. John Carver with* John, sort of Robert Carver, who was baptized at Doncaster, co. York, 9 Sept 1565 [sic, ? 1564]f Evidently, therefore, tne birthplace and the parentage of Robert Carvrr of Marshfield are as yet undetermined, and there is no record , ? of how and when he came to America. It is said that he was n? J Leyden with the Pilgrims before they sailed, but the evidence offered to prove this assertion is unsatisfactory. He first definitely appeal* in the Plymouth Colony on 3 Sept. 1638, when at a Court of Assist* ants held at New Plymouth "Robert Carver is graunted 20 acres ot land lying on the norwest side Greenes Harbor River and a garofli ? . place upon Stoney River? (Plymouth Colony Records, vol. 1, p- =*/? This land was in Duxbury. At a Court of Assistants held at outh on 8 Oct. 1639 ?Capt. Miles Standish, Mr. Alden, and Mr. Ed. Winslow are appointed to lay forth the land and meaddow graunted to Job Cole and also the land graunted to Francis Godfrey and Rob' ert Carver? (ib., vol. 1, p. 135). He was living at Duxbury on lu Sept. 1641, when Edward Hawes of ?Duxburrow? atgreedto exchange 10 acres of upland lying across Greens Harbor for 2000 f*** _ of ?sawne? boards delivered by Robert Carver of the same sawyer (ib., vol. 12, p. 75); but soon after this he moved to Maw*- , field, where he was chosen a grand juryman on 7 Mar. 1643 (ib., w. book form, erett altbooffb considerable portion* of them may hare been printed in Tlu Utf 0ow*r Dt*cr*dant or other magazines, they arc referred to (to take Middleborottgh a* example) aa Mlddleboroogh vital records. f j ?Governor Carver?s wife waa Catherine (White) Leggatt, daughter of Alexander WM*" Sttjrton*Ie>Steeple, co. Notta, England, and widow of George T^ggitt. Her sister ^ was the wife of Rtv. John Robinson, minister of the Pilgrim congregation at Leyden. > two sister* were tinder twenty-one on 15 Mar. 1594/5, when their father made his wilL J* Banka, English Ancestry and Homes of the Pilgrim Fsthers, p. 44, and Reoistbs, w. ? pp. 381-382. i, tin the R*oitrei, voL 67, p. 382 (October 1913), the two following baptismal record*. ? , which the attention of the Editor was directed by Mr. William Prescott Greenlaw> ?; Librarian and now Librarian Emeritus of the New England Historic Genealogical were printed: ?1564 Sept 9 John, ?. of Robert Ctruer.? ?1567 M?ch 27 Winffl, * Robte Cartier/* The* two entries, copied from the parish registers of a York, were found in a manuscript rolame in the Library of the New England Hi * Genealogical Society (one of the volumes of the Somerby Manuscripts), which cootw extracts from various English parish registers. A 1934] Robert Carver and Some of His Descendants 217 2, p. 53). In the same year his name appears on a list of males in Marshfield between the ages of sixteen and sixty who were able to f arTTs (Peirce?s Colonial Lists, p. 75). The following entry j,n the rccprds of a town meeting held at Marshfield in August ??On motion being made for one to teach school, we, whose ^raffles are underwritten, are willing to pay yearly, besides paying for v'.Our. children we shall send, viz. Robert Carver,?10s.?? and eleven . Others. He was made a freeman of the Colony 7 June 1648 (Plym-$>: f*? Colony Records, vol. 2, p. 122). By a deed dated 7 June 1651 ^ rL,.^ John Russell of Marshfield, planters, bought from Thomas ?j- thillingworth for ?15. 15s., to be paid in corn and cattle, about 40 ?cres of land in Marshfield. He was chosen surveyor of highways *n 1653, and served often on juries. He left no will; but soon after the death of his son John, the only ; thild of whom there is any record, he made an agreement with John?s *>dow, 27 June 1679, by which he was to live with her during the the term of his natural life, and in return she and her children were to have the improvement of his whole estate until her eldest son, William, attained his majority; then one half of the whole estate was to be set off to him, and at his mother?s death he was to have the Mher half. Child: 2. 1. John/ b., perhaps at Dttxbnry, about 1637. John* Carver (Robert1), of Marshfield, bom, perhaps at Duxbury, about 1637, was buried at Marshfield 23 June 1679, ??being 42 years old? (Marshfield vital records). He married at Marshfield, 4 Nov. 1658 (ib-), Millicent Ford, daughter of Dea. William and Ann Ford of Duxbury. She married secondly, at Marshfield, 9 Mar. 1680/1 (ib.), Thomas Drake of Weymouth, and moved, with some at least of her children, to Weymouth. John Carver was admitted a freeman of the Colony 6 June 1660 (Plymouth Colony Records, vol. 3, p. 188), and his name appears frequently on the lists of jurors. He was chosen by the General Court of the Plymouth Colony, on 4 June 1661, constable of Marshfield (ib., vol. 3, p. 215), and, on 3 June 1674, surveyor of highways (ib., vol. 5, p. 146). Children, bom at Marshfield (Marshfield vital records and Richards?s History of Marshfield) : 3. L William/ b. 6 Sept 1659. ii; John, b. probably aboot 1661. iii. Elizabeth, b. 4 Mar. 1662/3; d. at Marshfield 4 Apr. 1694 (Marshfield vital records). Iv. Robert. 5. v. Eleawh, b. about 1668. 6. vi. David, b. about 1669. ?ii. Mercy, b. 11 Feb. 1672. viii. Anna, b. 20 Feb. 167S; d. at Bridgewater 21 Mar. 1766, in her 92d year (Bridgewater Vital Records); m. (1) Joseph Rich- abds of Weymouth, who d. 16 Dec. 1710 (Weymouth Vital Records); m. (2) at Weymouth, 14 Dec. 1721 (ib.), Joseph "ii* ff'f :
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