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JANE OINN, daughter of JepthA mid Penina Magoe Ginn, must havo*boen one of the oldor children, if not the oldest. 3 he mArried Sire Mngee proaii/nably before the 1020 census, which shows 31 re Magee as head of household 1 male over *5. and 1 female 26 to *5. The 18*0 census for Pike County shows Siro MAgee Sr., with 3 males 15 to 20, 1 male *40 to 50. And 1 male 50 to 60; and 1 fomale 10/l5* so presumably Jane Ginn Magee had died prior to the 10*0 census. She is not listed in the 1050 census.
1050 census Pike	Co.	p.4	I860	Pike County Census
Sier Magee, Sr.,	5^	b-N.C.	Sire	Magee 60 born	N.C.
Huriah Magoe	26	b-Mlss,	John	J. Sibley 20.
Eliia Ginn	36	b-Miss.
Warren T.Rushing	23	student
The published and public records refer to "Siah","Sire? and "Sier^Magee, Jane And Sire Mngee settled on Dry Creek in Pike County, now Walthall Countv, Miss,, and the public land record* show that in 1826 Siro ownod land in Seotion 30, Township 2 N Range 31 Eaat. In 185*? ho had Mnd in Section 12, Township 1 N., Rango 11 East, lit January 1853. he deeded none of this land to Wm, W. Conerly, a portion having previously boon doodnd to Cullen Conerly and to Hugh Magee.
1.	LEVI MA0EE, non	of Slrn aikI Jane Ginn MAgee, b-1022 in Mias. d-1868 in Texas,
m- (1)	Melissa	Sibley, and (2) Mary Ann Sibley, sisters, Somo data on the
l.nvi Magee family w-*vi furnished by Mrs. Doak 3. Campbell, who has done much research on	the Hagoos.	Also,	Ukj Texas Encyclopedia Vol. IV, p.	171,	carries
a sketch on	Levi Magee,	levi's	first	wife died in the eArly 1050s	And he
married her sister, Mary Ann, both daughters of John Sibley and nebecca Ann Wall Sibley, Levi was a physician and in 1066 located in Wood CoUnty, Texas, for practice, and there he died* Levi had 8 ch:
a.	Courtney Ann Hageo, b-July 1*, 1848, d-Apr. 30.-193** n>- ca I865, Dr,
Lucious	H. Quin, b-Aug. 15.	18**,	d-Nov. *, 1909, son of Judge	Hugh	Murray
Quin, both buried at	Holmesville,	Miss., and they hAd 7 ch:
1.	Delilah	MelissA Quin, b-1866, m- Joe T. Bullock, b-1059, both burled
at Boyd	Cemetery, Salom Community, and they had ch: Courtnoy Bullock
m- 1903	to J. A. MaxwoII; Mao; Annie; Ruth; Josio; Edgar; Jerome; and
2.	D. Murray Quin, m- Myra Robinson
3.	Mattie Quin, m- Mr. Williams
4.	Charlie Quin m- Myra Bearden
5.	Eva Quin m- (1) Mr. Williams (2) Hr. Epley
6.	Lucia Quin, m- Dr. Norman fionry at Vicksburg,
7.	Clnronco M. Quin.
?JlitUi Hu1 lock m- Mr. JULliff. Thoy worked in	Post	Offico nt	Drow, Mins,
Ii*	?'lctorla Magoo, m- Frank Ware of Tylor, Texan.	(Ago 10,	I860 consus)
c.	Angelina Magee Age 5 in I860 consus.
d.	James S. Magee, age 3 in I860 ccnsus
e.	Martha Jane Mageo, Age 1 in i860 census, m-	Newt	Maxfleld of Grand Saline,
f.	John 3iro Magee, a teacher In Tylor, Texas.
g.	Luclous Sibley, a fthyslclan in Hamlin, Texas.
h. Jefferson Davis Mageo, b-May 22, 1061 Piko County, Minn, m- Jan. 0, 1880, Nancy Ann Wlllvinkn. He received Ml) dog roc at Louisville Medical College, practiced At Mt. Si J van and AbiJcno, Toxas. Ho was a, Royal Mnsotj and W.O.W. Thoy had 8 ch:
1.	Dr. Rol'ort Carl Magoe, physician in Dallas, Toxas.
2.	Jamos Murray Magoe, a Phannaclftt in New Orleans, La.
3? I?evi Holt MAgee, a dentist in Abilene, Texas.
*. Henry Cone Magee, a graduate in medioine at Tulane University, practiced in New Orloans, La.
5.	J. D. Magee
6.	Ruth Magee, a graduate of Simmons University, attended Columbia University and taught in Peoksklll, New York*
7* Olive JAno Magee
8.	David R. Magee
. HURIAH MAGEE, b-June 22, 1824, d-JAn. 26, 1053, of typhoid fever, buried Joe May place Just north of Tylertown on Highway 27. and the grave marker reads: Huriah Magee, died January 26, 1053.	20	years	7	months	And	*	days,	who
departed this life Aftor a protracted illness of typhoid. He was a son of Sire and Jaoo Ginn Magee,.
, ANGELINE MAGEE, dau, of Siro and Jane Ginn Magoe, b-ca 1827* m- William Smith, b-Aprn 4, 1011,	And	they	had * children. After the
doath of Angoline M-gee Smith, William married Nannie TreAdwell and had 1 ch: a. Margaret A. J. Smith, b-Dec. 17, 1843, d-Oot. 27* 1866, m- Dr. Nelson R, Payno, b-ca 1033* nnfJ thoy had 3 children. After death of MargAret, Dr. Payno married a Mins Dennett. Margarot is buried at the Joe MAy Place .
And these dates taken from her marker.
1.	Opholla Isabella Payno, b-Aprll 5* 186l, d-Dec. 1, 1061, buried Joe May placo beside MargArot Payne.
2.	Eugene Payne, b-ca 1063.	Dom Sandifer, sister to MArgAret who
was first wife of Gholson Oinn. Had a son:	Percy Payne who married
And lived in Texas*
3.	Rosa Payne, b*0ct. .1865, d-1952, m- Wallace Atkinson, b-1860, d-1930, both buriod Woodlawn, Summit, Miss. They were prominent in civic and social affairs in Summit, and had 6 chi
a.	Eleanor Atkinson, m- C. C. Cotton, and they had 3 ch:
1.	Charles Cotton, m- Margaret Mills, lives Victoria, Texas, and has a dau: Eleanor Cotten who is a hospital technician in Houston, Tex.
2.	Wallace Atkinson Co Lien, m- Judy __________, lives in Georgia, and
has 2 ch: Lee and Henry Cotton.
3- Martha Cotten, m- J. W. Mayfield, livos Baton Rouge, La., and has a son: Johnny Mayflold.
b.	Emm* Jean Atkinson, d-May 12, 1963. buried McComb, leaving 2 daus.
1 son, * grandchildren, and 1 brother, m~ 1915* XAvier A. Kramer, McComb tmnlnnos man and civic loader, who died in 19*3*	3	ch:
i.	Jane Kramer, m-- Frank Stlcknoy, McComb, 1 dau: Lynn.
?.. Kramer, m- Tom D. Magruder, McComb, 3 ch:	Kate,	Jano,
and Dan Magruder.
3.	N0uddyH X, A, Kramer, Jr.
c. Wallace Atkinson, m- JuILa Ellis, Summit, Miss. 2 ch:
1.	Wallace Atkinnon, III, a Pilot in WWII, killed in action, widow remarried and la now Mr?. Rurbort Gllruth, livirfc in Florida, Wallace had a dau: Judy Atkinson.
d.	No Ison R. Atkinson, m- Virginia Eggor, had 3 ch:
1.	Do loon K. Atkinson, Jr., marriod and lias ch: Nolson 111, and Virginia Ann Atkinson.
2.	Paul Atkinson, with Mte Atlanta Goorgia Constitution.
3.	Ashley Atkinson, a Hi School Student in HcComb in i960.
o.	P. C. "Tod" Atkinson, m- Ruth Miller, of Haalohurot. Mins., a
talented artist, and oho gave inlormation on this family in May 1V60,

Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-50
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