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477 W;' :*o.n Johnson Lift Everv Voict* And Sin<r National Negro Hymn -?r . -v fr?i?k?k------------- -?~ f t- :S: n -ar^rl 1. Lift ev- ry voice and s:ng, ts i 1 earth am; heav - ris ring. H'r.g with the 2. Ston-y the road we trod, bit - t--r the (hast rod i Felt in the 3. God of our wea- ry years, God of our si - lent tears, Thou who hast ^zgrEzg-g-r^-.-S^-Tg'- 3-S ~T~ i - ? j < har - mo - mes of !:d - er - tv; Lei our re - joic - rise, high as the days when hoot un- bom had died; Yet with a .stead- v beat, have not our brought us thus far o? th<' way; Thou who ha.Nt bv Thy rr.i^ht ( led us in - ? *' *? - >? * * t > t ? g: S ?? ;? V . 3C ir.g .sea. Sir.g a l:s - skies,Let it re- sound loud as the roll wea - ry feet, Come to the place for which our fa- ther.s sighed? We have to the t Keep us for- ev - er m the path, we pray. Lest our _fcjt JL- .. I Tr 1 ' f T ' ' ? ^ [ ! ' 1 song full of the faith that thedarkpast has taught us , Sing a song full of the come o-ver away that with tears has been wa-tered,We have come, tread-ingour feet stray from the places.our God,where we met Thee, Lest our hearts,drunk with the y / f ' hope that the pres- eat has brought us, Fat: - mg the ris - ing sun path thro the blood of the si laugh - tered, Out from the gloom-v past wine of the world, we for - get Thee; Shadowed be - p.eath Thv hand, m ,T At of our r.ew day be - gun, Let us march on till v:c-to - rv till now we star.d at last Where the whitegleam of our bright star mav we for ev - er stand,True to our God, true to our ca - is won. is cast. tive land.
Jones, Valena C 059