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90 very graciously. Thoy livo in Summit nnd have a oom 1. F. C. Atkinson, Jr., a physician in Orlando, Fla. m-ShirJoy Tlmson, nnd thoy woro exacting a child in i960. C. Marguorito Atkinson diod young. b. Albert Monroe Smith, Ago 4 in 1850 consus, and age 14 in i860 bridges, And had 5 ch: 1. Ella Smith ?. Iddo Smith 3. F.mmA Smith *?. Angeline Smith 5. Alice Smith c. Harah GabrlollmSmlth, b-Doc. 1, 1840, d-Oct. 16, 1907, buriod Clifton, La. m- 5/lO/lVt5,Chnrlofl Honroo Hickham, b-July 6, 1847, d-Juno 4, 1913. and thoy had 9 ch: (Information on this family furnished hy Mr. Hickham Christian) 1. Houston Dolphus Hickham, married And had children. 2. Villiam K. lUckham, married and liAd childron. 3. Thomas Dolphus Hickham, married and had childron. 4. Charles Hampton Hickham, b-1072, d-Apr. 30, 1925. ffl- Antoi/ietto knnehart. 5. JowoJI O/icat IM<*kham marriod And liad childron. (\. IVinlnn D. Hickham, marriod and liad chi ldron. 7. Angolino F., Hickham m- Hr. PJorco, Harnhall, Toxao. 0. Hary A. Hickham married and had childron. 9. Elizabeth iUckham m- Hiram Smith of Poplarville, and she lias tlto family Iliblc. Also noo page 60 Vol. 3. Uo It Known. d. Hary Elizabeth Smith, b-ca 1851, d-flov. 11, 1917, At age 66, and tho newspaper notice says 7 of hor 9 children survive. M-l/l2/^0,Frederick W. Collins, b-1847, former Circuit Clerk of Pike County. Reference to thio marriage is made page 440, Vol. 3* Amite County, by Casoy. Reference is Also made to tho marrlago of her parents, Angeline Hagee And William Smith. 1. Eugene Collins, died young. 2. Walter Collin*, b-ca 1071, lived California. 3. Fannie Collins* b-1373, m- John T. Lilly, had 1 son: a. John T. Lilley, Jr., m- Margaret Hiller, and had a dau: Margaret Lillian Lilly. 4. Ida Collins, b-107?4, m- J. L. Jackson, Dallas, Toxas. 5. Frederick Collins, b-ca 1877? no children. 6. Jewell Collins, 1>-1000, unmarriod. 7. Rosa Collins, m- Hr. Hradnhaw, Jackson, Hloa., had 1 sons a. Frederick Hradshaw, marriod an<l liad a dau: Constance Dradnhaw, who married Fred Eldridgo Conway, an Art Judgo or critic, in St. l<ouis, Ho., and they )?avo a sou: Freddy Conway. 0. Sot.h (lolllnn, m- Gladys O'Hara, ho diod, and oho *1111 livnn in Dalian. they liad no chi Idi-on. 9. Hrs. James Atkinson. e. Angie H. Smith, wan a daughter of Um socond marriage of William Smith. Thero is some difference of opinion an to whether Sire HAgoo, Jr., is a son of the foregoing Sire Mageo, Sr. Sire, Jr., b-ca 1013 and d-106fl. I do not havo sufficient proof to include him as a (Art of this family, irrosjxjctlvo of tho fact the census refers to one as Senior and tho othor as Junior. From my records, I am inclined to think Sire, Jr., la a brother to Solomon Obod Magoe b-.?:' and Willis Mageo, b-3020. ) SECTION X ELIZA OINN, dau. of Jeptha Ginn And Penina Mageo Oinn, is shown as age 36 in the 1050 consus, ago 46 In I860, ago 55 1070, And age 65 in 1000. Hor Age appears to have been more consistent than Rome of tier sisters. She was a member of the household of Sire Hagee in tho 1850 census, so her marriAge to 9olomon Obod MAgee occurred during tho 1050s. 1060 Census Pike p.163 Solomon 0. Hagee 43 Eliza *46 Wn.W.J. 19 Mary J. 10 Jacob 0. 9/12 Tho Silver Crook Church Minutes show that Solomon Obed Magoe first married May 1030 to Mary Polly Ellzey, daughter of William Ellzey. She died May 27* 1050 at I he birth of hor socond child and Solomon Obod's second marriage was to Eliza dinu. Tho Magnolia Gaiotto May 6, 1081: "Mr. Ol>od Magoe died at his residence in this county on last Wednesday Oto 27th lnst. of dropsy. He was one of our old and valued citizous and it is with unfeigned regret that we record the said evont. IVftce to his ashos." The Minutes of the Twelfth Annual Session of the Bogue Chitto IJaptist Association: "S. 0. Magoe died at his residence in Pike Co. Miss. April //, 1001 after a long and severe illness, in the sixty fifth year of his Age, Uro. Hagee was born in Pike County, Miss, in Nov, 1816. He professed to hAve obtained hope in Christ as his Savior during a sermon preached at Silver Creek baptist Church by that 'Good man of God' Elder Jesse Crawford. In June 1839? <iniled with the said church and baptised into her fellowship, at the August 1 Vi2 mooting was elected Deacon anti ordained March 1843 and servod the church until he drew out his lettor to go into tho con&titution of the Balo Chitto Unirch in Oct. 12, 1073* he was elected deacon at the same time and served l.vlthful'iy until prevented by sickness. His seat in the church was never vacant. ?<ro. Hagee was twico marriod. Two childron by his first marriage and his widow -il.h a groat numbor of friends mourn hlo death. < tfi ? ? ? Ki.IZA Ginn, b-ca 10.15* still living in 1001, m- Solomon Obod Magee, b-Nov. rt?,6, d Apr) 1 ?7, 1H0U Tho Jncoh O. Magoo shown in Uki lfW>0 census is boliovod ?? h.*ivn U)on Urn snm?? as Jeptha Olnd Magoo who d- ll/l3/l064.At any rAte }>e is ?? 1. mentioned in tlte obituary above no he must have diod young. Tito *fri. W. J. Ht.'ee, r.on of Solomon Oliod's first marriage, in novorod in Section IV, Huriah ? ?*!??. |ngns >0*51. Mary Jane Hap.ce, dau. of Solomon Obed Magee and Hary Polly Ellzey, b-May 27, d-July 34, 1912, married lilg John Walknr, b-Juno 31, 1964, d-Mar. 1, 1925, *"*Ui Uiriod John Walker Cimotory near Walker?s Drldgo, Pike County, and they *?**ie jKirents of 1*1 childron. 1070 consns Plko p. 24 Solomon Ol>od 57 Ellxa 55 1080 census Pike d.^O Obed Magee 63 Eliza 65
Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-51