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r a m i 1 y Group 0 i / 04 / 138(3 Father: JEAN LAFONTAINE SR. THIS IS MY FIRST CADDY, dit. LAFONTAINE. HE WAS JEAN FREDERIQUE dit LAFONTAINE WHO MARRIED MARIE LE CHAUSSE DE BRUNELLE. FOUND IN THE ARCHIVES IN PARIS, FRANCE. JEAN WAS A NATIVE OF MOULINS, IN BOURBONNAIS, HE AND HIS WIFE, MARIE HAD A SON, JEAN FREDERIQUE dit LAFONTAINE JR, WHO CAME FROM FRANCE TO NEW ORLEANS IN THE FIRST YEAR OF THAT FLEDGLING CITY ON THE BOAT "COUNT OF TOULOUSE," WHICH LEFT FRANCE ON THE 15TH OF NOVEMBER 1718. HE WAS ASSIGNED AS A DRUMMER IN THE MILITARY COMPANY COMMANDED BY CAPT. JOACHIM de W GAUVERY, (LIST OF PASSENGERS, ARCHIVES de FRANCE, 15 NOV. .17 IS. "COUNT de TOULOUSE.") AS PER BROTHER' JEROME. JEAN JR., WAS BURN ABOUT THE YEAR 1700 IN OR NEAR THE CITY OF MOULINS, IN THE BOURBONNAIS REGION OF FRANCE. SOMETIME IN HIS TWENTIES JEAN MET MARIE I3BETTE LAVALLEE IN NEW ORLEANS, THEY WERE MARRIED ON SEPTEMBER 15, 172S, HER PARENTS WERE CHARLES LAVALLEE AND MARIE CHRISTINE, ALL NATIVES OF DOUAY IN FRANCE. CSLC, BOOK A,p. 164, Act 309) ??? -if- if ??? -jb ??? ??? -s- ??? if if -V- if if if if if if o P Ci u s e: MARIE Notes; FROM FRANCE if if *? if if ?'& if if if -ffr if if if if if if if if if if if if if if -V* -$f if if ib '?r if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if jf if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if ? Child: JEAN LAFONTAINE JR, Married: 11/15/1728 in SLC,Ml,iS4, Notes:; DITs FREDERIQUE FROM FRANCE This Jean Frederique dit LaFontaine, son of Jean Sr LeChausse DeBrunella, was married the 15th November 1728. His father was deceased at the time of his marriage to Marie Isbette LaVallee, daughter of Charles LaVal lee and Maris Uhristlenne. This couple had several ch i 1 dr en , 3ome who r einained in New 0r 1 eans, ancl other s who marr ied residents of the Gulf Coast. An example, Valentin LaFontaine married Constanc ia Christian Ladner, daughter of Jean Baptiste Ladner and Marie Louise Fisseua dit DeLorme, residents of Bay St. Louis in Mississippi. Jean Jr. ? s, grandson, Lou ? s Huguste married fatherine Bourgeois, daughter oi Francois Bourgeois and Marianne Fayard, who were the Bay bt. Louis area. Jean Jr . s children were reared in New Orleans for a time on Dauph ine Street; and t r om orie r epor t in 1770, h i s sons, namel y Nicholas, Pierre, Valentin and Francois, were hired as accounting employees for the French office for some time. His son Pierre met and married Marie El 12abeth Mar cossin ofNew urleans, Accordmy to the marr iage and baptismal records, Pierre and Marie (Dubois) were already the parents of a daughter named Jeanne Dubois. (BB iv, p. 41, SLC). So this Jean Lafontaine Jr . , was my first caddy to corns to the United States, he left I- ranee on 15 November 171S, on the ship "Count of Toulouse." He was assigned as a drummer in the military company commanded by Capt. Joachim de Gauvery. i. L i s t o f pas s e nger s, Ar chi v e s d e F r a nee, lb n o v. 1 7 1 y. " ij o m t e d e Toulouse."
LaFontaine, Cadet 一document-055