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F&bAY /S -APX.IL 1^90
ff# ^Mitrtomiis.
s* A>\
HAL?On Ibursday C481MIR MARCH aL, a?ed Department
mornlar, at 2 -	-----------------. wred Si years,
ft*ol TaooouriUe, Department de 1* JC*ruttk?s Ynuice. ..	.	i
?His friends and relatives, and thosi of Latter-
rUffarftl -Jofteph Trofot families ire invited to
Mtsod bln funeral Tills Evening, at -1 o?clock,
from hlalate resldenoe, No. 127 Dryades street,
feet wtan'Foydras and Perdido street*.	4
**7- - ?
Bay 8t Lon Is, on ToesdA:
>MJe papers please copy.
CAMPBELL?In this cltv, on tije Hth Inst., ^eoaawnptlon. frank CAMPBELL, of jiB??d28 jears. ?	?
?r7T9jt?fid New Tor* papers please espy. +
rAHmtD~A. BJSI.IABLH3 WHIT? BOY, i 15' or M rtwrn ol age. is wanted to . ralwno iai on/nrr, and keep thin#* in ? aboutthe stable. One that .has some ex-
___ jg? Wtta hot a?, and that i? wULUut to make
mmmt jraoeraUy naefiil in small matters, mar flMfrtttvatton by applying at No. 250 Magazine ?wet.______________________________apl??it TI
^BOCHCY WANTED-AN AOENT,< THOR-J? #nfhly experienced'in the Gotten Trade. MlNBbiMsre the representation of an active and substantial ootton bouse, lor th* Kingdom of Mmmtim,- All further lnformaOon fnmtnhed by
_______	-	Mr.	JOHN	HATTIO. .
?flfl>^?Wk?We4w 200 Broadway, New York.
 ---*?* ----?? ----  ?*-	- i ?,
3AIyB WIllL BB BECEIVKD FOB ^ v	luagoLBfestaorant, Bar Room and Hat
Jlaek. of Hope Hook anti JdMlrter Fire Company *?. 8*8 Ball, and Mechanics* Fire Company Ha ? from bATU RDAY. April IS, ,until THUR8-^MYjAprUZli fcppfrin* to M. SL CARKOLL,
, (.^frou Hau, Third District, and BOBKBT 2C. 1JT. Loastana HoteL First Dtstriet tpM-a- ? " A. A/BTONB, Secretary.
TH* Wkxlt Picayunx.?Our weekly edition, filled with the most interesting news, correspondence and miscellaneous matter*; will be is&ued as mrual Saturday imoming, April ltiL,
' The "Weekly Picayune has a wide country circulation, and, therefore, offers to merchants and Others a most desirable medium through which they may bring to the notice of the country trade their various stocks of goods, besides affording a fund of amusemen^ and instruction to the reueral reader.
Friday, April 15?11:30 A. M., Cotton?The inquiry is fair, and the sales thus far embrace about 600 bales at p eater day?s prices. Strict Good Ordinary brought 201*,&>20;?fr, and Low Middling, with staple,*21?4. The supply on sale is . i
eeterday the sales embraced 3650 alee at irregular and easier rates, a art.of ^he business being afc about preions prices, and a part at a decline of ka^c., closing at the inside tigures f the day, viz: Low Ordinary 15 <? 1 Co., Ordinary n^lSo., Good Ordinary IU?4 a ?0%c., Low Middling 20* *2l*c., Middling ?-?22c., Strict Middling 22*va 22Hc., and Good Middling	?c.
| Sugar and Molajbsjcs ? The receipts this morning comprised 282 hhds? Sugar .And 148; bbfo. Molasses. The market is miiet to-day, ,.but?prices are hrm. About 150 hhds. Sugar were sold; and pretty touch all the 'Molassecr received. We Ouote: 6V??8o. 1? Ip for inferior Sugar, 8^ ?9c. for common, 9\i?10o. for fair, 10V*?*0V*c. for good fatr, lO^oilc. for fully fair, ll'1s?ail:Uc. for prime, 11**? 12*40. for ehoioe, 12^?12*o. for yellow
fitiH 10anl'.?	I

Saucier 054
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Hancock County Historical Society
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