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BOARD OF TRUSTEES WILLIAM F WINTER PRESIDENT JOHN K BETTERSWORTH ARCH DALRYMPLE III HERMAN B DECELL FRANK E EVERETT JR MRS MITCHELL ROBINSON ESTUS SMITH EVERETTE TRULY SHERWOOD W WISE ELBERT R HILLIARD DIRECTOR w STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ____ DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY P O BOX 571 JACKSON. MISSISSIPPI 39205-0571 July 15, 1985 Mrs. Margaret M. Gibbens, President Hancock County Historical Society, Inc P. 0. Box 13^0 Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39520 Dea r Mrs. G i bbens : We are pleased to inform you that the Board of Trustees of the Department of Archives and History, at its meeting on July 12, 1985, approved your request for a state-funded historical marker for the War of 1812-Battle in Bay St. Louis. By copy of this letter, we are advising the Division of Tourism, Department of Economic Development, of the Board's action. The Division of Tourism will be responsible for ordering the marker. To begin drafting an appropriate text for this marker, we would like to have your thoughts. Enclosed are copies of the grid sheet used in drafting marker texts. We are limited to a title line and seven lines of text. One blank space must be left between each word; standard abbreviations are acceptable. If you would like to propose a text, please return a completed grid sheet to Norman Chronister, in care of this Department. The Department of Archives and History, in accordance with policies adopted by the Board of Trustees, reserves the right to approve the final marker text. The marker will be shipped to the State Highway Department District Office nearest you. You will be contacted by the Highway Department upon i ts arrival. It is certainly fitting that historic sites in Mississippi can be designated with appropriate markers so that Mississippi's citizens and out-of-state visitors can study and enjoy the interesting heritage of our state. We would solicit your assistance in inspecting and monitoring this marker, once it is erected, to insure that it is properly maintained. If the Department of Archives and History can ever be of further service to you, please do not hesitate to call upon us. S i ncerely, A. /IU.^0 E1bert R. H i11i ard Secretary Board of Trustees ERH/gj enclosure cc: Mr. A1 Elmore
Battle of 1814 15jul1985