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SPAIN IN THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY, 1765-1794 'a. states have represented to Congress that all the finest young men aL migrating to the settlements in the west, greatly weakening tk former. It was discussed in the Congress whether it would not b? more advisable to abandon them and the result is that at presen they regard those settlements at least with great indifference. -May God guard Your Excellency many years. New Orleans, November 20, 1792. El Baron de Carondelet Most Excellent Senor Don Ltns de las Casas. De Blanc to Carondelet I;. November 20,1792 66 No. 47. In accordance with what Your Lordship informs me in official S, letter of the 9th of last August of the statement made to you by| Antonio, an Indian of the Nacogdoches nation, living with two families of the Yatases, who are the only ones left. I shall conform exactly to what Your Lordship orders me in the matter of the' presents to the Indian nations of this district. For the reason that ;" Antonio and his people are now absent hunting, he has not received' the present coming to the Yatases, but I shall attend to it immediately}? on his return. By regulation of His Excellency, Conde de O?Reilly,-? the Yatases are admitted to receive annually their presents from| this province. Therefore, I must infer, in the contention which* has arisen between Don Antonio Gil Ybarvo, lieutenant governor of Nacogdoches, and myself in regard to the establishment of Pablo. Eonet Lafitte. situated on the bayou of Las Piedras, where the Yatases have their village, that it must depend upon this jurisdiction., The village has in fact at all times done so, as those Indians can testify. I have so stated in my aforesaid contention, of which I have sent a copy to the government with an official letter of Your Lordship of November of last year, No. 21. There has been no reply' on the matter up to the present, although I desired it immensely, in order to know in what state the affair is which suspends my functions in this district and over the person of the said Lafitte and his property until the superior decision. This decision will prevent all difficulties in future between the commandant of Nacogdoches and myself in regard to the limits of both jurisdictions, which I consider to be indispensable. So I beg that Your Lordship will PROBLEMS OF FRONTIER DEFENSE, 1792-1794 W s'pleased to take measures to this effect as may best please you, X the success of what I have related. ^od Keep Your Lordship many years. ?Natchitoches. November 20, 1792. Luis de Blanc (Rubric) t Baron de Carondelet. Carondelet to Trudeau November 28,1792 07 ^Answered) t In official letter No. 2, you inform me of the foray made by the owa Indians who live on the banks of the Des Moines River, eighty eagues from these settlements, in which they carried off thirty-eight Worses from the post of San Carlos del Misuri. These are the only animals which those inhabitants had for working their lands. This Occurrence affects me all the more because it will be followed by the privation which the inhabitants will suffer through the poor crop of wheat this year and the shortage of corn. You, who are on the post, must see if there is any remedy for eyhat has happened, or if the Iowas are a nation from whom the stolen horses may be reclaimed. In such case you will do it, and propose to me any means that may seem feasible to you. : God keep you many years. B. New Orleans, November 28, 1792. Baron de Carondelet (Rubric) M Senor Don Zenon Trudeau. De Blanc to Carondelet December 1, 1792 68 ?No. 49. s. In an official letter of the 18th of last October, Your Lordship .transmits to me what Senor Don Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, governor Natchez, had brought to your attention in regard to the war which s broken out between the Aj^ches and Adayes Indians of the .rovince of Texas against the Choctaws, of which I informed Your Lordship in official letters of July 6, Number 31, and August 16, .umber 39. Whenever the official, who is to accompany the Choctaw :<jhief in order to go to those nations, presents himself by order of the aforesaid governor I shall carry out with the greatest zeal the orders ?f Your Lordship in regard to the matter. I do not doubt that the "BL.
Favre, Simon 一document-30