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State of .Mississippi..........	!
Pearl ;>iver County............	]
Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority, in and for County and st-:te above named, came j.irs.J.H. Moody and her husband J.'.V. Moody, who acknowledged that they signed and delivered the foregoing iftetjpwmeftt deed on the day and year therein irafitioftod.
Witness my Signature and seal of Office this the 17th, day of November
T.J. Weaver_________
(SEAL)	Notary	Publio
'i?he instrument of which the foregoing is a record was delivered to me
to be recorded on the 9th, day of Wov. '?.D.1920, atlO A.a. and recorded on the 18th
day of the sane month and year .
A.A.Kergosien Clerk.
to	State of Mississippi............
The Peerless Products Company	County of Hancock...............	\
>	City of Bay ?-'t.Iouis..........	-|
For	and	in	consideration of the sum of One hundred -aidfifty five thousand
dollars, evidenced as follows;:
Four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) in cash, the receipt of vhich is hereby
acknowledged.	/?	,
One demand note for 'l?en 'i'housand Dollars($500.00) of even date herewith;
dated ilovember 8, 1920.
Which said t?6e demaid notes are dated Bay St.Louis, Mississippi, made, signed and executed by the Peerless Products Comra^, Inc. , to the order of itself and by it endorsed in blank, t.ough its Secretary Treasurer,5.F. Haag, hereunto duly authorized .
The issuance of ??Hghty two thousand Dollars (83,000.00) of stock of said PeerlesB Products Company, Inc. ; and
The assumption by the said Peerless Products Comrr.'ay, Inc., of two certain promissory notes dated Bay St.Louis, Miss., Uovember 4,1920, made executed and signed by *'eorge C.Firsching to the order of Peurless Oyster ?ompany, Linited, each for the sum of Twenty five thousand, five hundred and seventy-five Dollars ($25,575.00), due respectibely in three and sixi months after date, bearing interest at the rate of 6# per annum from date until paid; and
Seven thousand,	three hundred and fifty ($7350.00) of promissory	notes for
the	foliowifafe amounts, made	by various amounts, made by various parties, and	due
at barious times as follows;
One note, d ated	?une 30, 1920, at Lafayette, La. ;.:aoe, drawn and	e-ecuted
by J-'avid	Gow to the order of	myself, and likawise endorsed, for the sum of *47(.0.00,
due ??'ecembnr 1, 1920.

Firsching 050
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