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Th? *TH>.'? ?'>? TMk^.MHTII L>t*T?t? T ('ol^lHI. - it itfWMii* to (?. ? mltn of fmt plenty t?> timl i* ri>win fur that u??*lj r??-a ted court. when them i* tjo dtfTV<-ally t< ?oc?4iuiK>date It. Let th? TWinl I >Mtrwt Court Ik- rru?o>ed trom t>r mh*u> whir Km now <H\nplr?? niul lmtw?f*TT<r?l to tl?*? n. which tfh* RocetMpr* o(T\r? w** f<>rn>rtl) kept, on tho %A)tie rt<*or with th* Kw?t lh? trict Court, and tho rloiki'ofTVe* oH?ot)i courts f*.ausferred to the upper portiou of tho building, where tho Convejanr*' ofTlrx nnrr kept, and let the F.ighth IH?trlei Court In' located In the room now iweu pied by tlir> Third Court. Th* tv>mt? once >o judiciously arranged, will jn<lIcin 1 ly work with ease and harmony. Of courno tho calling of ca?e* in tho Thlrtl Court, so transferred. will roino ?*#T l?*t in order. A law has Wen lately passed, authorizing tho Wardens of tho Church of St. Ixmis to soil to the city the balance of the *mall squares on which the civil Court JIouso Is built, upow acceptable terms. Now would S<5 The proper time, and the attention vf the municipal authorities i? respectfully invited on tho subject, to ronw to an understanding with the Wardens for additional ground for tho accommodation of the courts. V -?y< \ Wc were informed yesterday.that Mfr. Saucier, who killed Dr. Po?t in Hay St. Louis, a few days ago, lift* himself died from the pistol shot wound inflicted bv Dr. Post.' Sir. Sancier wn.s well known to many of onr citizens, who will deplore thin distressing; t>ccurrence. Frkk Vaccination.?Dr. C. 11. White, President' of the Board of Health, gives notice through onr advertising columns that the Sanitary Inspoctor of tlio city will vaccinate all persons, froc of charge, who may apply at the places named in V"th? announcement to which wo have reference. Tho ete&raship Hannover, Capt. Hirti-beTk, sails this morning for Bremen, via Havana and Southampton, with a full freight* 16 cabin and 140 steerage passengers. The following is a list of the cabin passengers: TTor Bremen?Mr. Fulkenhotrner *n<1 l??lr An* RntUer, Hy Miller, Wrn MUler ?n<l fmmllr Vrtt* Wa*ner, RN Pepin, children and wrv*nU Mr* A It Klrchoff and danxhter. For Havre?Mr. Pojrmlran md lxly. >'or Havana?S Hmwliehn. ? - ? ? m ? Thk Slime of the Rivhr Nii.b? Is not moro filthy anti mal-odorous than the thick sedinieut of the hair coloring preparations sold in darkened bottles. lYr contra, Phalon?s Vitatja, on Salvation koktiikHair, the only article that will renew the natnral color of gray hair, has no sediment, and is perfectly transparent. )*** TV* c?mm *4 Hi iK* **??\ ?t*f<? I wctihtJI k."V * M < w kM*4 *?>????? V ?fcwJ) W? V* f*'* ? ? ' I t*t t pmtm ?<* *4 4.????* *4 A lUv4U<< m Uk *m *? a> '* *?* A fi rw |a S 1 ** ^ Wr M*(ll fv*f. XlH lt? ??^(1 * l???? J H.IW iL ??f * >**?'' nril MMnlnnl ' ??, ?*>-? '< IW - ! * #A.| l?4 ViiM ? |4t* * ** rf ? I i.M \*? (S. u\ >?! i! '* ?>ni in ny f A Mutant 1 trttt'iHi knrw %Iirllt<( ilk* Vj?n? Ui^l ' ? ? >? ?l i*? *??11 11>* fit* H>? k ? 1 -* t?> tho In '?fcVk ll*?> ? W M h*1 ??f VX# f v? < *- ? ??y atxMli It. ?imI ?#?i? ?I llo? A?????(??i< < 'it r ] iMiMirrr, and <l*o l^?">? |9li1, ?lin ihn?*?| llUn |rt(rf? .?( VI r Mount that blil? till otin nVl,M ti ; went ?'? *? Ur llork with, rtixvrtiiiff to f ^ t pr??ln,? information fn>nt him. w?ut t-> ?>f- tho AnftUlant Cit) I tTHMtitrf If Kt Kxibt rwfl\ r bi<l*. lie Mill ?'>*. ?ml fln?lK toUl Mount ?m *'vV him Ijalr letter, of which tlie follow tiiK ?? ? with tho A**?i?t?nt City 1 >?-<uoir?-r April ?. 1 *>?*>. W. p. Mmint. Yjuj . nty i Sin?In l?ohalf ('f |,|o partir* who dealrr f<> pttn-b*w? tlie V <>f th< ? u|.t intnt)*: M>n hailrm-ul. 1 m oijd n <|ii?st fn>m yon a delay of the *c?le f.?r at lciw?t forty-eight honrn. *ir nn rr*n h lotion iui you may un<xmc to ^ a!t, to enable th. m to ptit in prorn>?alA. 1 have U-?n l?K>kin?: for you lu valu aiut-e 1:30 r. m. to^lay, and your assistant informs me he ha* no an tliority to act or even to receive bids. Yours, respectfully. W. W. Howk. Witness was nsktvl yhat wn* nndt^r stood by fhe highest bids, but the ?|u<t? tion was withdrawiii Mr. Thos. Bivrkt? t^tlfleu tlial he t?Hik the letter of Mr. lWHWiUi to Mr. Sum mere, and that tue latter rt plie<l that the Citv Attorney must proc*^! in the court*. Mr. Schreiher testiflM that he ?as a member of tho firin of Forstall Ilro?. ?V Sons ; that the aenior of the firm had ln-en in businem about fifty years; that they were agents for J. H. hchroeder A- Co.. a firm oflike standing with tho Kothcliilds aud Baring Bro?., etc. He presented the telegrain in n'feretic<' to the proposed bid. It is in svpher, mid tho key to interpret it was sent for. The firm received other telegrams same day. Before receiving them we had determined not to bid for our friends, as tho proceedings looking to the sale of the stock were so irregular, and we did not care to involve them in litigation. There was considerable argument, mid display of learning l?v counsel as to whether the key to this cypher could l?e legally required. Gen. Freeman cit???l in the negative tho N. Y. case of K. v. L'un vs.-----. ^ Judge Dibble hold that tho rules g?>v-eniing experts were applicable, and that experts could not l>e required t<? piTnluce their means of information. The telo-gramh wereoflered in evidence aud interpreter! by witness. The first telegram from New York authorized a hid of $4 nor share for the City and Htate stork; and another, same day, through Mr. Tinkbr for the l^ondon firm, Axing as ultimatum of tho bid ?25 ihm share. (A letter from Mr. Mntsr.t. tn i/r *4 ? ? A 4 ? W-*-< < ?*M T V.? ? ' ? ll ?M 1 I A ( k. f U(.j? t?~ (Hit o >tt(U IUj 1' i 11- f I t.r <iM l| I |vu Uu*ti 1 >*!W? (>l It ?UMI t l>* t<MI T ll (fr*t w *tr hfVI It til* ll< w f? lttlt tlll> tl?*m fvi :<?/<?> tllilM the nrfTii ohm |>?rt *11 I>p?i| t r 1 I he lie w r< rratie cai under a I* Thefcam The Cc < i air I Is in 1 Vinormt* the colors thelUM'lvn in a niavi > ticket. If niiint act li dr|K'Inlrnc ate. The I compositlo JM'OtS, fit t? certainly o that e>er The Hepu makiUK >*< sfiaid the tlio Hepub much into: the}- di?l to The negnx1 and then1 i bv the It*' ?lliey can?t mean TliK. Miiv The Water tho accidei MinsiHsii?|ii on tim'd hy ; I n//osirtff on ? Tho brt\i by some fie taking tip i bridge?tne train wttuld spike had Ik rail then tul [ionite side lonbly sun' another obs tnwk some
Saucier 055