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Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Post Office Box 571 ? Jackson, Mississippi 39205-0571 ? Telephone 601-359-1424 Elbert R. Hilliard, Director
Established 1902
July 24,	1987
Mr. Bill Bradford, President Hancock County Historical Society Post Office Box 1340 Bay St. Louis, MS 39520
RE:	Bay St. Louis Historical Marker
Dear Mr. Bradford:
Below is the final draft text for the above referenced historical marker, that in accordance with the policies adopted by our Board of Trustees has been approved for your review.
After considerable archival and historical research, we feel that this is a concise and accurate text. If you would like to revise it, you may, but it will need to be approved before the marker is ordered.
Please let me know of your decision and if you approve this text, I will be happy to place the order for you at this time. If you have any further questions, please contact me at the above address or at 354-7326.
On Dec. 14,	1814,	five	U.	S
gunboats fired on a British fleet entering Lake Borgne. Their action was the last naval defense of the U. S.
before the victory of General Andrew Jackson at New Orleans.
Marcus C. Hammack
Review and Compliance Assistant
Division of Historic Preservation
Board of Trustees: William F. Winter, president / John K. Bettersworth / Arch Dalrymple III / Herman B. DeCell / Frank E. Everett. Jr.
Gilbert R. Mason / Mrs. Mitchell Robinson / Everette Truly / Sherwood W. Wise

Battle of 1814 P1
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Hancock County Historical Society
All rights reserved