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t)y Enaiia Fayard to the undersigned ;,irs. Corine Sylvester, by deed dated Jarch 9,1911
recorded in ?ol. G-2, pages '153-454, Records of Deeds of said County.
Witness my signature, this 24th, day of November, D.1920.
lira. Corine Sylvester
One Dollar Revenue S tarnr attached and cancelled as by law required.
State of Mississippi...........
Hancock County.................
Personally appeared before the '.mdersigned authority in and for &aid
county ans state, the above named Mrs. Corine Sylvester who acknowledged th&tshe
signed and delivered the foregoing instrument on the day and year therein mentioned.
? t
Given under my hand and official seal, at Bay ^t.Louis, Miss., this 2?th, day of Novenfcer A.D. 1920.
(Sr'AL)	J.P.	and exwOfficio Notary Public
The instrument of which the foregoing is a record raas delivered to
me to be recorded on the 24th, day of November A.D. 1920, at 3 P.M. and recorded
on the 26th, day of the same month and year/
A. A.ilergo^ien Clerk.
f.	* j. -f, .? .y .J T T =t *	*	*	*	*	>	-Y	T	>f	*	+	-?+'	-t	-f
Stute of Mississippi..............
County of Hancock.................
City of Bay ^t.Lou is.................
FOR AND IN	CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar,	and other	;!
good and valuablve consideotions, including two promissory notes of even date
herewith, which	said notes	are	secured by a trust deed on the property	herein	j
conveyed, whibh	said trust	deed has simultaneously herewith been executed and	de-	;]
livered by the grantfee to	the	grantor herein,------------------------------------------	i
the PEERLESS OYSTER COMPANY,LIMITED, a corporation of the Stv:te of Louisiana, does hereby convey and warrant unto GEORGE C.FIB~CHING, of said City of Bay ^t.Louis, the following described property sit^uted in the aforesaid City County and state, and which land is more particularly described as follows:-
ALL THOSE LOTS of ground known and desgnated on the amended plat	|
of the City of Bay St.Louis, i.ade by S.S.Drake arid on fule in the office of the Chancery j
Clerk of Hancock County, in the State of Mississippi, ( being an amendment of the ?lenderson 1
map of said City), as lots 363, and Aof 364, lots 3711, 371, 379, 38C, 381 and 384; and also all of------------------------------lot 38:3 on said pjiat, except that part thereof here-

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