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Julio II. Morton. 05 prosperous merchant of Petersburg, Tenn. Hi* is a member of the Methodist Church, and a stanch Demo-i>i crat. lie now holds the oflices of Notary Public, Mag-istrate, and Recorder. Ilis jirst child, Annie, married / (^ohn Jarman I-) and now lives near Wartrace; Arthur if is bookkeeper for Ihvight's Cotton .Mills, Alabama City, Ala.; George is employed by the Cumberland Telephone Company, and now living at Winchester, Tenn.; Horace is overseer of the cloth room in Dwight's Mills, Alabama City, Ala. .Martha Jane Morton married X. 8. McConnell, who is a farmer, now living near Wartrace, Tenn. She joined the Lutheran Church when quite young, but afterwards moved her membership to the Methodist Church at Haley, Tenn., where the remainder of the family belong. Fannye is at home with her parents; George lias been playing professional ball for the last four years, and is now in the National League; James is a traveling salesman. Ellen Morton, the fifth child, married A. D. McConnell, who is also a farmer and living near Wartrace. She is a member of the Lutheran Church. Bennie, their eldest child, was in the War with Spain, serving in the First Tennessee Regiment. While at home on a furlough, he died from the effects of a relapse from an illness contracted in the service. Ijee. Morton, the fourth daughter, married Dennis Searcy, an employee on the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway, and was a member of the Methodist Church. She died December 21, l!Nll, at her home near Wartrace. She was the mother of eight children. Hubert- is a fireman on the Nashville, Chattanooga and
Shofner, John and Descendants 054