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^U. 00251 W ORP-W C'i' O'-' COirrr.DT-’-IATE £.PIDIER£ AT I.AUT.^TlDftLT: A' YT IT ATT-T’D BY CONCTOT." ALONG JACKSON RAILROAD I.I!'E August - 1869 r.O. Timer - Hriday, August 6, 1869 p t+ c U Me are glad to learn through Col. Jaires VJingfield, of the Hancock Club an^ Jackson Railroad, that the cause cf the Lauderdale Asylum, established for the orphaned children of Confederate dead, has not been forgotten. Jaeger1? celebrated brass bard have volunteered their services, and vithout asking any remuneration, have made arrangements to give . concerts along the line of the Jqckson Railroad at Osyka, Magnolia, Summit, Bronkh^ven, Crystal Springs end Canton. The Directors of the Jackson Railroad have generously made every disposition to assist the noble enterprise, and on August 9, 1869, the first concert vill be given. Ve congratulate our friends in the country on the excellent musical treat that awaits them, and knowing, as they now do, the nature of the undertaking, and that all of the funds collected vill be bestowed unon a deserving cause, ve have no doubt that Jaeger and his musical troupe will be welcomed vith open arms at every town in vhich they may perform.
New Orleans and Louisiana Document (055)