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INDEX 105 itlanta, Ga. , m-1931Joseph Bnnjamin 02. m-Foli. 11, 1956. William Gilbert, .InrL, Catherine Qilbort, nnd Jnnet ra-1957, Joaiiiia Amslmry, And liml 2 ch: >hn Chrtflnn llrniumn, Jr., I1-I963. , A LI nu La , 0:i. , m-Oet. 12. 1939. In ) 3 ch: \ 19'U 111. 17, ly'O ir. 13, 1952. Jnmes Ednuwl Hidley, b-5/30/1879. hAd 3 ch: lrguerlto Thompson, hAd ch: jAnice and on Sopt. 16, 1950, And has 2 iIaua, Ages Irgowaii of UrooknTluld, liati P. ch: j-ly'i'i. ['rnnklowlcr.. .?Hid lian a child, Wnltor Tho names apposing 1? t-,ls l?*t two pages of memorabilia were not received in lima to bo included in thin index. Attention is directed to the fact thAt some nAmoa appear more than one time on a page. In some instances, only tho middle initial io used in this indox, instead of t)? full middle nAme, And in somo lnatancos, Un late or prosent generation is not indexed. IMHK Adams, Sal lie A.lrox, Arlnno David Aldridge, Wm.E. Wm. H. AloxAnder, Ann Cecil lirAdy Miss Hy r 11 o A If/me, Snmly Alford, Alblo Altv? Llndsoy Alcun All ie Alma AI ton A1 VA Alvin Alvirt U. Ancll Angela Ann Anna Hrock Anna Loo Anna Herlo Audrey H;io IVi.iuford IV-r 1 C. lien F. l*on Y. Willy Joan l*li.l.,y l.ynil !'-? Uy 3. Hi I I UilJy hl.inch Hohby I'-nUty IJnll ilol>hy Nell h?nnlo JeAn hrcwiilnr Miure Jr. <:.illlo r''m i J o '-?irl tal.horino 52-53-'?has. Henry Chrlnlolle I?AQE NAME 2'? Alford, Chrlflt ?17 Cl Arm ?*7 Clara J. 72 ClarA P. 72 Clarissa 56 \ C}nriasy 57 CJeo 56 Clifton 52 Clinton 83 Coimio Morlo 05 Curtlo 66 Cynthia 53 Da1 ton Wm. 56 Dan 66 Darvia 57 Della 59 Dewey 11. 52 Donice 57 Doris 65 Dorothy 56-82 Dottie 56 Dudley 57 Dwayne 57 Earl 57 Earl Lasiia 57 Ed*A r 52 Edgar C. 52 Effie 56 El a inn 55 Elir.Atiett) A. 56 EJmor 55 EJnlo 57 Emma %-57 Kmmott 56-58 Estnlle 66 Eve lino 53 Evelino E. 55 Evnlinc Ginn 57-6't Evelyn 36 Evon 57 Fannin 57 Fannin Ijlbloy 59 Farrol 59 Feldor 52 Flonalo 57-59 Floyd 59 Frances 56 Fr-ancos Eliso TAPE IIAHE TAPE > 55-56 57 53-5'* 52 59 52 55 57-6't 55 55 57 62 61 50 53 55-56-77 57 53-61 57-6'? 61 65 55 56 56-57 59 56 27-56 55 53 59 60 59 53 56 55 2-52 55 7-59 57 55 61-no 5'*-55 56 55 55 61 53-56 59 ALFOltD, Froeman Fulton Dale Oaye George Gladys Glenda Joy Oloria Jean Orcgo ry llrt rely Marlon Harold Hattie Mae IIaxIo Holen Henderson Henry He rbert Hettie Mao Milan Hilda Hope Howard Hubert Hugh Hulon Ira Iva Nell Jack Jackson Jamos H. Janos H. Jamos Zoniphon Jano Jane Janie Ituth Jns|ior Joppie Jasjier Jesse Jimmie Joan Joaquin Joe John David John E. John 0. John Henderson John lloscal 53 55 61 53 57 61 61 52 58 58 55-92 56-61 .53 55 53 52-3^-55 53 53 58 40-56 55 55 55-59 53 53 58 62 55 55-56 52 55-57 52-59 57 51* 60 69 56-57 55 52-55-59 56 52 52 55-58 52 57-77 52 52 56
Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-54