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i domain extending the Alleghanies to e of wharves, pier-r harbor, a fleet of nacks; yachts and son seldom passes ’ont of it affording [>■ is not found any-woods adjacent to urkeys and other neighborhood can- >r a winter sojourn ts hospitable envi-1 the icy regions of ble quarters at its ttages. e of its streets are i of them are wide, :s, magnolias, and 1 the midst of ele- ed organizationof izens. Its objects, eatures which are suite of spacious ts which are taste-onveniences which nd visitors, and at e interests of the a bureau of infor-■ advantages and Its officers are: Bosquet ; 2d Yrice-asurer, I. Heiden-in each month. 1 times, but VVed- MEXICAN GULF COAST ILLUSTRATED. 57 nesday of each week is ladies’ day. This organization is the pioneer of its kind on the Coast. Its duplication at other points would be productive of much good. Biloxi has anumberof important mauufacturingindustries: saw mills, ship yards, a complete steam planing mill, a steam flour mill, five oyster canning establishments, and a number of minor industries. It is by far the most important manufacturing center directly on the Coast. The canning of shrimp, and of figs is also carried on extensively. The canning of oysters is Biloxi's chief industry. From $160,000 to $175,000 is represented in the business, and during the busy season over XKILSOX. I. HKIDEXHKIJJ BUSINESS MEN OF BILOXI. twelve hundred people are employed. Last season the output of the three largest factories was 200,000 cases of oysters, 15,000 cases of shrimp, and 5,000 cases of figs, of which the valuation in round numbers was $350,000. The pay roll foots up at $20,000 a week for labor and raw in iterial. Mr. I. Heidenheitn is an officer of one of these companies. The John R. Harkness & Sons- Planing dud Milling Company is by far the most important plant of its kind on the Coast, The company, which is incorporated, consists of John R. Harkness, the senior member of
Mexican Gulf Coast The Mexican Gulf Coast on Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound - Illustrated (56)