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trees and vegetables, at once gave proof of their uv* jy subject not immediately connected with their dustry, and showed the source from whence theyJodily wants. They professed, indeed, to be supplied themselves with bread. Kristians, and would have been probably shocked, ?> It may appear .childish, but I confess that tbCwj j questioned their claim to sound Catholicism, sight of, domestic peace flourishing, as it'were, u^Mough I much doubt whether they in the slightest the midst [of wars and tumults, extremely delighted jfcgree understood the meaning of either term, me. While we continued at anchor, therefore, >1 fi Having remained here till the 7th, we again paid frequent visits to this cottage, and forming1 *|)ok advantage of a fair wind, and stood to sea. As sort of acquaintance with the old man, soon po** sessed? myself of his little history. lie had emigrated from. Spain many years ago, and married in America. Having been unsuccessful in business he had saved from the wreck of his property onlj enough to hire labourers, by whose assistance: hM n os we had cleared the lake, we directed our urse towards ? the east, steering, as it was ru-loured, upon Alobile; nor was it long before we me in sight of the bay which bears that name. Tiis is formed by a projecting head-land, called 'oint Bayo, in a large island called Isle Dauphin. present cottage was erected, and his little farrrf, /pon the first is erected a small fort, possessing the cleared; when, with his wife and three children* then very young, lie had withdrawn from society and settled himself here, where he had remained ever since: Once a year, lie or his son visited th? main to sell their wool, and purchase such nece** sarierf as their island could not produce; but e** cepting on these occasions, or when a fisliing-boflt arrived In his bay, which rarely occurred, he hnd had no intercourse with any human being, beside* his own family, for a great lapse of time. As m?f be imagined, I found this tribe as simple in their ?nie title with the promontory, which commands he entrance; for though the island is at least five tiles from the main, there is no water for floating ship of any burthen, except within a few hundred, ards of the latter. The island is, like Cat Island, ^inhabited, except by one family, and unprovided nth any works of defence. As the attack of Mobile was professedly our ob-' cct, it was clear that nothing could-be done pre-ious to the reduction of the fort. The ships ac-fordingly dropped anchor at the mouth of the bayj- ideas, as in their mode of living; Of reading and ltuj immediate preparations were made for the writing all except the patriarch himself were igndf tiege. Hut the fort was too inconsiderable in-rant, nor did they seem to waste a thought upo* 0f sjze require the employment of all our
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