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T? st t
A116e F.Peering
Peerless Oyster Company,Ltd By Frederick A.Torsch
State of Mississippi )S S City of Baltimore j
Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority of the af.ofi said State, in and for Baltimore County, the above named Frederick A.Torsch, President the Peerless Oyster Company Limited who acknowledged to me that he signed and deliver?..
the foregoing instrument on the day and year therein mentioned, as 1 he aot and dead o:f said Peerless Oyster Company,Limited/.
Given under my hand and seal oi' tiff ice this, the fourth day of Uovfi
(SEAL)	Alice F.Peering
lily commission expires May 3,1922.
Notary Public Baltimore, I,Id., November 4,191:0.
We, the undersigned, Chairman and Secretary of a special meeting, of the stockholders of the Peerless-Oyster Company, Limited, held on November 4, 1920, hereby certify that the following resolution was unanimously passed by the stockholders of said Company:
That the stockhold.erw of the Peerl hereby authorize the sale of the plands and all personal sit\iated at Bay ^t.Louis, i.Iississippi, except merchandi labels and canned goods, to ^e^rge C.Firsching, of said three Thousand Dollars,($83,000), to be paid as follows Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($31,850) in cash and notes Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Dollars,. ($51,150) to be one-half in six months and secured by mortgage upon sa thereof to be comveyed to Eleanor C.Firschi' gj; and the hereby authorized to take such steps 'ans execute such n consu::.axe said transaction.
ess Oyster Company, Limited, property of the stpW Company se, such as cans, cases, solder, City, for the sum of Eighty-Thirty One Thousand ^ight , and the balance. Fifty -one paid one-haM in three months, id pro^erty(except tin portion fficers of the Company?are apers ns r;ay be mecessary to
Frederick A.Torsch
!Jh- irman
2dward L.Torsch
WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors o held on November 4, 1920:-
That the directors of the Peerless hereby authorize the sale of the pland and all personal 4t Bay ?Jt.Louis, ..iist'issi'ppi, except merchandise, such
Baltimore, November 4, 1920. following resolution was unanimously the Peerless Oyster Company, Limited",
Oyster Company, Troperty of the as cans, cases.
Limited, gompany situate' sold
C.Firsching, of said
arid canned goods, to Georg
Thousand Dollars, ($82,000) to .:e paid as follows:-and Fifty Dollars, ($31,850) in cash and notes, and One Hundred and i'ifty ^ollars, ($51,150) to be paid
r, labels 2ity, for the sui:: of Eighty-three Thirty-one Thousand Eight !{u?idred the bale nee, Fifty -one Thousand one-half in thr e months, one-half
property off ice rs
in six : onths and secured by mortgage iir-on said to be comveyed to Eleanor ".Firsching); and the authorized 1o take such steps and execute such papers a sumate said, transaction."
( except the portion thereof of the Company are hereby ?
; i.ay be necessary to co!VV
Frederick A.Torsch
President. George C.Firsching

Firsching 053
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