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GECRGE J. ECRCSTEDE to. E. F. LARRCUX ef x:>: April 24, 194? EcVk H-4, p. 6l Becinninf: at the point of InTersection' of the northern line or Lot #120 of the First of the Cltv of Bay St. Louis with the western line of the right of v:ay of Front Street br Beach Boulevard; thence running alone said northern line of Lot #120, North 70? v;est 572.5 feet; thence south 20? v:est 67.2 feet to a stake; thence South 70? East 401.6 feet to a stake; thence South C9? 431 East 213.6 feet to the western line of the rirht o: v'ey of Front Street; thence northerly alonf: said line of saic Street 80.5 feet to place of beginninr. Being: e part of Let 120 First Ware, City of Bay St. Louis. GECRGE J. ECRCSTEDE to DONALD D. CCLE, et ux April 26, 1947 - Book K-4, pare 76 Uarranty deed Far" Lot 120, First Ware, Bay St. Louis DCNALD D. CCLE et ux to LIVE CAK REALTY CC. ?.?srranty Deed - Januard 9, 1954 Book J-6, pa*~e 2 51 Fart Lot 120, First Vfarc, Bay St. Louis LIVE CAK REALTY CC. to Royce J. Henry and Lav;rence J. LeEcn '/arranty Deed December 16, 1955 Book E-5 pasre 280 Eeginninn at the southeast corner of Lot 120 of First V;ard , City of Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, Mississippi, and running thence northerly alonp: the v?estern line of Front Street 37*3 feet; thence north 69 degrees 43 minutes VJest 213.6 feet to a stakei thence north 70 degrees vest 401.6 feet to a stake; thence South 20 degrees west 32 feet, rore or less, to the southern line of said Lot 120; thence South 70 degrees East 635 feet to the place of be?innin~. Being a part of Lot #120 of the First of the Citfcv of Bay St. Louis, Hancock^ County, Kississippi
Larroux 056