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CHAPTER XIII. DANIEL M. SHOFNER. Daniel Martin, the youngest of the four boys of John and Amelia Shofner, was born in Bedford County, 'i'enn., on May !), 1827. 11 is early days were spent on his father?s farm, the one now owned by Mrs. Margaret Wells. He attended school in the little log sehoolhouse his father had built 011 his farm for the convenience of his and his neighbors? children. * Daniel was a quiet and studious bov, but one that could be depended 011 to do-lns part of whatever was to be done. He was peculiarly devoted to his mother; and when she had duties that kept her up late at nights, lie was found by her side, rendering all the assistance he could possibly give. 'Die death of his dear mother just as he reached young manhood was a sad blow to him. In the year 1853 he married Emily Rachel Brittain, a young woman, who gladly shared his toils and hardships as well as his joys and comforts. The first year of their married life was spent in the home of his brother, Luton, where William W., his oldest son, was born. The next year they settled on a tract of land bought from his father?s estate and adjoining the homestead of his brother, Michael. Here his family resided during the balance of his life, and there reared their children. Although having a strong Union sentiment, he did
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