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of ?.r 7:30.
>ay , .. . ;
1 ? 1 < HI.
irrhos,. 7:30. :30. 1 .
News has' the vtly bridge wm ternoon last by ?2 North State use-guests, Mi.^s eenwood, MisS Ifport, and Mins Biloxi, the lnt1-;uest of -Missefe :*ine ' Holl,iday''; f North Slate . * Gilbert Ken-3. Q. H. Reeves Anna, jMajorie irned to j the city th on the Mi'tl;'
. C. C. Sulli-the 301st. Gas
two weeks'"^-
. > * 1
summer tramp his wife is visi->
' 1	#
UT1I	-	|
gest? son of Mrs. dv escaped, seij-fternoon*?in tbi;. Bayou on Back arged bv'a cow ^Tlie cow hook-irm, tearing jt, eral stitches be-
Jas. |A. Cuevas, |aged 90 ; of tte Beauvoir?! Soldier?s Plome, -now has ;a rooster to notify him of the break jf day. M v Ctievas has been blind for 27 years and has Ln?en in the Pjaa-voir HcKpitnl 10 yer rs. He .is n particular friendf of ,W. 'Mj -'Lampton, who go<\*\ * ' fSce him every day. Recently- > I,njmpton, who is'alwajs doin- everything hecan for the veter-
an, inquired what 'j Mr. Cuevas t:ojld hi rooster, i Mr. Lampto hi?n spring 'chicken was firin -his de-si he oxpl lined, would morning) at break of ton got
Mr<*: kept in and to crows a
le ? wanted most, m he wanted a n kindly offered instead but lie re. / The roo^te^-, wake h;m ea^h day. Mr. Lamp-
Junior jHolnjies, a Boy Seoiit ?of- Magiojiia, t? get' the rooster f<j>r :>vas, and notv the rooster, js
a ,fine . cage the; delight dawn.
? i { in the hospital
of Mr. CnevAs
quested! to n ttor: merit la tonight
bv JChuirrna d a meeting , the . CKa!mb promptly! !:nt
Trnporta'ice connoted industry of Missi?s'sip up. : 1
All oyster..shippers; and packers jof tl. SeafoQd. Packers Bureau of t;he Biloxi Chamber of Commerce are, pe-
C. M. Tfi
a via t-
of that depar er of Coinmerpe 7:30. Matters of with the oyst pi will be tak^n
E. Jenkins have .^p nt in Mo Jenkins.
"f Mrs.
.Mir.1 ajnd Mrs. Cafl returned aft-r ten bile, with relatives Mr.',Tonkins has beH cfa a two weeds? '?vacation from this i duties as chi mate aboard the.1 Coa? (Quitter ? i251. The^ are ;now
" *	r	-	-	-
One of the new boarding houses in Biloxi this sumteer season is $hat nt 1632 VTest Bcach operated by' Mrs. George Toledano and Mrs. G.l M. Wa> ter. !'i They have; been- meeting with success in the operation' of this , private' Warding hbuse, which ! will be
opernted ter. Mrs. D?Aquin herej frc
. ? i ! Mr.1 0
thr.ughput the fall and wir ToledanJo, i-s a sister of Jr.les , Biloxi dmggist, and came m New Orlems.
nd Mrs.
G. G. Meyer and
daughter, of New Orleans, are spend-
ing a two weeks? at the Belvedere Water street.
vacation in this city Apartments on West
Miss Inez Bejlman returned from Meridian Sunday.
. Mrs. Frank Mallerich and children will leave Tampa!, Fla., this afternoon by boat for New Orleans where they will join Mr. Mailerich and F. J. Mallerich, who have jbeen employed on the Times-Picayune jn that city for .some time. The Mallferichs were f6rmerly residents of Biloki. '	i
-liss Elise .M. her of Commerce duties yesterday
Dion, jof the Cham-staff, returned to ner morning after' a (ie*
lyjhtful vacation, with .relatives and friends in Chicajgo.	?	.	'
bo,.tswa ? Guajrd
,home at'ilS ^iagnolna street.
la less than ejght months since ihe opening of the Pic-An-Pay gi*ocery in th6 ? new Yerger building the store has established duch. a large business for itself that jadditional room has been required to take care of the increased trade. Tie. rear portiojn -of store which is iiow used for stora;; will be given over to the store for dii-play . purposes. I The ladjoining store is, occupied by the Hyde Shoe establishment am! the! rear! portion of this which has been rented by Mr.- Hyde will be taken, over by,, the Pic-An-Pay.

Cuevas 057
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Hancock County Historical Society
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