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224 SPAIN IN THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY, 1705-1704 Enehenantla, chiefs of large and small medal and leading men said nation, and in the name of the Creek, Talapoosa, and Ali nations by Tasqueimha, Sulusmastabe, chiefs of large medal, T paye, Opaye Atque, chiefs of small medal, their interpreter' mingo, deputies and representatives of their nation, named fp purpose in general council thereof. The said chiefs likewise ar missioned by the Cherokee nation to represent them in this 1 due to the inability of any of their own chiefs to attend, on a': of their being engaged in a campaign against the American?s The second party is also represented in the name of the CK nation by Franchimastabe, principal chief thereof, Mingo I}? Mistchico, Soulushemastabe, Taboca, Ytelaghana, Naulomn Eachaopaye, Opahulo, Tapenahuma, Totehuma, Puchimataha^ kaouinaopaye, Taskapataho, Yaganehuma, Nocjahumaacho, T oupa, chiefs of large medal of the said nation, and HayupaKjj Stonahuma, Puchimastabe, Stonahacho, Pouchantiabe, Taska" Olactaopaye, Panchabaonele, Payehouma, Ockhanahouman, chi the small medal. In the presence of various other chiefs and a. number of captains and warriors of the said nations who are p~ and met in Congress convoked at the petition of the Cherokee n this Treaty was made in the vicinity of the Fort of Nogales, an said representatives agreed unanimously on the following articl; Article 1. That the Spanish, Chickasaw, Creek, TalapoosaJ bamon, and Choctaw nations ratify by the present Act all the tr? and agreements which they have mutually made from the year 17 the present time, whether in this province, in that of the Florid in any of the said nations, promising to observe and keep everyt contained therein in the same manner as if expressed in this pr Treaty. \ 2. The Cherokee nation beseeches His Majesty to admit it his immediate protection as are the foregoing nations. 3. His Catholic Majesty grants to the Cherokee nation thej tection it implores, and will consider it henceforth in the same wa the nations mentioned in Article 1 of this Treaty. 4. The Chickasaw, Creek, Talapoosa and Alibamon, Cherokee] Choctaw nations form an offensive and defensive alliance, so that in general and each one in particular promise to consider each oL as part of their own nations to aid one another mutually, and no decide any essential point which might affect the security and p_ ervation of the others without consulting them. 5. The nations mentioned in the foregoing Article being un the protection of His Catholic Majesty, promise not to decide a ?j,PROBLEMS OF FRONTIER DEFENSE, 1792-1794 225 the nature described in the said Article without consulting ?or of this province as representative of His Catholic Maj-"n. e said nations, in view of the protection which they enjoy h is given them by His Catholic Majesty, guarantee and emselves to contribute on their part to the preservation of ' ion throughout all of the provinces of Louisiana and both said nations, being under the protection of His Catholic request that his ministers determine and agree with the |States on the boundaries of each one, fixing them in a t manner, so as to prevent any cause of discord, and in order end to the differences over this matter existing between the rican States and the Creek and Cherokee nations. ,'i ! "Catholic Majesty as immediate protector of the said nations te with the American States for the determination of es as mentioned in the foregoing Article, in order to preserve e peaceful possession of its lands. * Chickasaw nation wishes to receive the yearly presents generosity of His Catholic Majesty dispenses to it in. its on the bank of the Mississippi River, where the Chicka- o to get them in the spring of each year. _e_ Creek, Talapoosa, and Cherokee nations desire to receive resents in Pensacola at the same season. (Alibamon nation in the same way desires to receive its *Mobile. fChoctaw nation defers to a later date the selection of the e distribution of its presents. 'presents which are annually dispensed by His Catholic the said nations will be given them at the time and place yith the exception of the Choctaw nation. Decision on "/will be postponed until, like the others, it decides upon a , approved by the governor of this province, for the dis-E-f the said presents. henceforth the annual presents are to be distributed to |is at the places indicated in Articles 9,10, and 11, they shall t receive them at any other place in these provinces, and the 11 be observed with the Choctaw nation. pther points which have been discussed in the present Con-
Favre, Simon 一document-34