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Mr* ?SS < :;A? 'I."! ChJC:I BAVfT. T.OUIC 3 J^g - 1^96 . 1?36 'crVr Pro^re^r \d?-iniFtrati on" - 193- Tjaritist Church in ?av Ft. loui? vas started by r.l*?er iJenjansin ? -bitfield ir. ^etru^ry lS^fe. rlder t'oven rerved from 15U8 to 1955. Tn 1?<5^ the church vns apain organized v?itri lU rrer-bers equally dividsc? b-~tverr white an~ black. ?'Elira" va? the natre chosen. rlder v'. rI. Yarnado of Hancock CcunT^TTrsrnrne the first nartor# The Civil V?ar ?vut an end to all church v:ork fcy ser^rating the r.cmbershir. In 1866, r.l^e?r V.?. f.tovnll ?erved for 3 norths. t-Sir? th?t there vere no report? for several years# "n 1 ?-75 T;.ldor 7. rrel^nd *erved for 6 r.onth? bantizin?: tvo rerrenr. r.l ?? ? r A. va?on ba^ti-ed fcur T>sr*or,? in the Bay in front o'?' th~ r^Fl^en^e of ""eacon V, A, ??hitfield. Tr. 12c6 the ^antirt Church at rny r t. T ovir ha-* 102 rcrsbers. Ir lf "'A - ;'irst ? artist Church at r t. T.ovis h?d 1?') ?.-erbers ??ittie Z:ion " at ?.?aveland " 30 Firs t Hantist Church at v'i In had 5*1- " " " at Gainesville " 75 M " " at ."earlin ton " 120 " " Mission at lo^tovn " 50
Baptist Churches 1942 To 2004 058