This text was obtained via automated optical character recognition.
It has not been edited and may therefore contain several errors.
I hereby certify that this is a photostatic copy of the original record as found on page 92A of Marriage Records Book #1. Reverend James W. Oberkirch, Vice-Chancellor. mmwaft ~=- ? * *?" ?*'' ?' 'V> ~ jsj's/srj&s* V&: . .?? ?; ? ' w(r-*w ^ffAy*V+. .. n* ..v Karcaux | [VT X Pelagia Marin , -V'. /? Juan Bautista 4 ^ > V?>. ; . f tiu fX Jats: w. i % . \J^v^iDp . '/ 'Jl ' ' ? 7 r I I r<. i ? jy *&*??**** ^-.^^JaSL*iZ . **. f''??l'?.S?'~'r?-,~>?3C. AjOLfiT ? ;? -. ,:;-'- V^V/<?' - SifS^&JSj b - ?/ ?* 5/ ' - - ;. .-J tv /I y.-.'
Nicaise Juan-Bautista-Karcaux-and-Pelagia-Moran