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(Page, 17 J.B.Toulme Will.)	,
f	'
5.	I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Louisa Walker, the lot bv her drawn in said division consisting of a parcel or lot of land in the City of Mobile aforesaid, adjoining on theWest the lob herein bequeathed
to M.V.Gerard, and cn the East	that	bequeathed to	Delphine Garandy, measuring
about 33 feet front on Dauphine	St.,	and extending	80	feet	in the rear, being
the Middle portion of the lot T inherited from my mother aforesaid, having thereon a Two story brick house put up by me in 1855, with the right or way through a passage running in the rear of said lot to Hamilton St* It is valued by me at $5000.00.
6.	I give and bequeath unto my daughter Madeline S. Saucier thelot by her
drawn in said division consisting cf a parcel or lot of land in the City of Mobile, aforesaid on the South side of Dauphine St., between Jackson and Joachim St., measuring 30 feet front on said Dauphine St., by one hundred and t twenty feet in depth; being the	East	half of a lot	of	land	by me purchased at
a public sale, by a master in Chancery on the 7th.	of	June	1847. The part now
devised hath thereon a Two Story brick house with a kitchen, a two stoiy privy, and the half of a two story warehouse in the yard, and the right of way through an alley or passage from Dounhine Street, to the yard in the rear of said property. It is valued by	^6000.00.
7.	I give and bequeatn Unto my daughter Yictdire Saucier, the lot by her draw in saiid division, consisting of a certain parcel or lot of land in the City of Mobile aforesaid. On the South side of Dauphine St., measuring 30 feet fraat on said Dauphine street, and extending in the rear 120 feet, being the western half of the lot of land by me purchased at a sale of a Master in Chancery as aforesaid, adjoining on the V/est the lot herein divised to Madeline s. Saucier, having thereon a two story brick house with a kitchen, a privy, and tie half of a two story ware house in the j>nrd in the rear of srid lot and the right of way through the alley or passage from Dauphine St., to the yard aforesaid. It is Valued by me at $6000.00.
The afore described real	property forming my	whole estate in the State	of
fllabama,being distributed by	me between my seven	children as aforesaid,	in
accordance with the division iuade by lots drawn by each of them as aforesaid, )eing desirous to equalize the shares of each in value in accordance with an igreement made between themselves, on the day and at the time of drawing said .ots/It is my will
That whereas Victoire Saucier has drawn a lot of the value of $6000.00, she has to pay to Mary S. Adele Casanove the sum	of $500.00. 2. That
'hereas Mary Virginia Girard	has drawn a lot of	the value of $6000.00;	she	has
o	pay to Mary Louisa Azelia Walker, the sum of $500.00. 3. That whereas adeline S. Sauoier has drawn a lot of the value of $6000.00; she has to pay
o	Delphine Garandy, the sum of $500.00.
Thereby making the share of each equal in value to that of John V. Toulme, ho has drawn a lot valued at $5500.00.
It is my will and last earnest request, to my children and heirs, that in r espect to my memory, they abstain fran selling, or disposing of any of the roperty herein by me devised to them respectively, as long as it will not scome absolutely necessary for them to do sb.
I hereby nominate and appoint John Victor Toulme and Evariste v. Saucier.
3 be the executors of this, my last will and testament, hereby authorizing lem to act in that capacity either jointly or severally as they will fine le most suitable for them to do.
In testimony whereof I the said John D. Toulme have unto this mv inqt
11	and testament contained in the nine fore^oi^g?pn^s this ?o5rSL*?
w^??SMT!.Av?ATEl8hto0n Hundred orifl Sixty finfjnl Set my hand and seal towit* hand NE VARIETUR in the margin of each pag^T	towit:
(Signed) J. B. Toulme, (Seal.)

Toulme 058
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