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;er irom me aoum-easo increasea in i tensity \tntil it had well reached sixty miles an hour,although',8eemingly more. To add to the HORROR OP THE NIGHT, r'e broke out at the home of Alcide irforan, on the beach front, entirely destroying his dwelling, which was cpm-paratively a new structure. Fire was paused by a defective flue. A son* of 'ie family at the time was lAaki^g oof-tee in the kitchen. The loss is covered by $1500 insurance policy, ^ Almost every dwelling and business place on the beach front is damagecl-ot one structure liaving escaped the wrath of the infuriated elements. Many chimney tops were blown from their pOsition'and no roof covering Was entirely secure. / SLATE ROOFS PARED BADLY The slate-covered roof of the Tulane Hotel was kbadly damaged, and the slate roofs of the de Montlusin dwelling, Eoho Bldg., de Monthmn drug store and John F. Markey dwelling were seriously damaged. (During the hurricane, late JSTednesdajf, afternoon, jlates from these buildings were flying *n all directions. Hoofs of the boijiveittt of St. Joseph, church of Our Lady of the Gulf, home Of Rey. J* M. Prpnder* gaat, St. Stanislaus College and'; ttbtev Merchants Bank were badly damaged, seemingly to haw been damaged jfr«r considerable extent.-$V?0 SECTION OF CITY ***" a&4 the %eoity of St.' Louis to- saynokh- John Henry, the architect, lost Ik handsome double store building which hisioffice was located. Ttye Pla chet store building and contents, he of Union istreet, met with a similar di a*trous fate. The Allen, welch ai Bay Mercantile Co.’s business buildin; were spared, sustaining pnly slig damage. ■ I THE TOWN CJLOCK in the beliry of the churjch of Our Law of the Gujlf, was put oui of cpmmissio by the wijid and rain., |The ;4ial pla on the soith side of the 'belfry was br< ken by thje compact of the wind. Along the beach front, from Citiz< street to the south end of town roadwt and front iyards are washed away, Tl Klock Hotel and surrounding building received only minor damjigesl At the courthouse w^ter ruined tl ceiling plaster, part of ^hicli has fal en. The |ost as a' whole ij? giganti The storiii pf the week| is r the wor known, 1 ^rom ,Dunbar, Rigolets as Lake Catl ierine reports hive ;; been ri ceived ing of considerable loss life,, whio a reports have: keen co^fito ed. ^ All t irough tins territory the 3 & N. railt oad tracks>re ko morp^ bridge at pgplets is priefcieall^goui the % in front* of this; city he ter 8uper8tructhre iwrencbe 1tr(8at^»:i^e^te|s- jbo say 'a e6mmuni&ti0$w^^ wor) tty .J?%v: jr* shared* \f ■*: - L<-.* v'-\ rv-n, -.iii.-i/. A*.; lit mm*m w tews cumbwte ■Steffi ■r/ r r
Historic Hurricanes (Treutel Book) Historic-Hurricanes-Of-Hancock-County-1812-2012-(059)