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CLASS OF.SERVICE SYMBOL , Telegnun ?^?v'*r , .1 ?. . 5 Day Letter v."? i"? Blue Night Message * ' Nlt?' ? ? NI|h? Letter N L If bom af these tlffeo-symbols appears after the check (number of words) this b a telegram. Otherwise Its character Ulnd luted by the symbol amaring after the check. _______flfl %???.-,- :,r4 jBtiMsfoc-* ;v *??? ?" ? .' . pr ..?'????i.?- '?? ? ?' ?;??? 8B?BSS?'%k'- ? ' ? ???*?" ?**'#?*' ?? > V ??' Form 1204,?4 ? :>.v CUSS OF SERVICE : Triegrtnr ^*r Day Letter r>x - ?Night Met sag 9 , u Night Letter SYMBOL ? NB?'CS' l~N l5^ v It none of these three symbols appears after the cbeetc(numbe( of words) this Is a telegram. Others FP?*$ !%&&*? ft fe? - ^ 1 ? rifi i <... v :9JX ? wise its character is Indicated by the ROE WJe: ATKINS. first vice-president symbol appearing aft* the tt^-^1', '5 ?''. '. !i ?? .,?>*238 |J>.. ??'V- .......-?-??'-4^ SS^WV?V^-??:T^. '^^W. -'? ? ? ?? .;= ?Bffi..v.i.f.. -v v;-,. - ?;..- \r > ?. ?? g&Sgft--*. .. ?>. ? ? . a vv ??'?;.?>?.- r.i ?, . '? ?a ?>>;^- i j- s-s-; ?. " * y-. ?? * I
Dillmann 059