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DORIS mHURSTCN to K. S. TURNER ' ' June 2, 1920 Book D-2, p. 188 Havinr a front of 100 ft., rore or less, on the western bank of the Eay of St. Louis and runninr thence between parallel lines ona course 70? Y.'est, a distance of 2460 feet, rore or less, to the eastern line of Dunbar Avenue. Bounded on the north by lanes owner1 by Irs, E. A. Harris; on the east bv waters of the Eay of St. Louis, on the south by lanes now or fcrirerly owned by Kary K. Kennedy anc on the west by Dunbar Avenue. 1921 - Book D-3. 170 H. S. Turner to Stream Investment Co. Same property as above 1923 - Book D-5, page 135 Stream Investment Vo. to E. L. Stream _____________Sa.cj?_'Di:Qi:'erty-p.e-&'fceve---------------------------------- EKKIE L. STREAK to JOHN C. SKITK June 11, 1924 Book D-61* page l4l Lot 100* on western bank of Bs.y of St. Louis and running back a distance of 2,460 feet to Dunbar Avenue. Being the same land conveyed by A .A .KergoEien, Sp. Cor.'., to Krs. Mary Ellen Grasser on January 17, 1919 and conveyed by Krs. Karv Ellen Grasser to K. J. Thurston Sect. 11, 1919 anc recorded in Bock D-l at page 339 and subsequently conveyed by Krs. Doris E. mhurston to K. S. Turner, Book D-2 at pages 188-9, and by H'. S. Turner to Stream Investment Co. by deed recorded in Book D-3. PP"? 170-1, and thereafter conveyed by Stream Investment Co. to rrs. Emmie L. Stream on Kay 30. 1923 and recorded in Book D-^at pages 135-6. JOHN C. SMITH to KRS. HUGH F. BURBANK Kay 19, 192 5 and recorded in Book D-7, p. 24-7, and also on June JO, 1925 and recorded in Book D-7, pajre 4-11. Sar.e land described in Book D-6, page l4l above. KRS. ilUGKF. EUUEANK to GECRGE J. BORGSTEDE Aur. 19, 1946 - Recorded Book H-l, page 485 lot 119,' Enrt. 15-00 feet of Tot 120. First '.arrt, Drake rap. re 1 nr thc 1 d rnt i cnl land conveyed by" John C. Smith , e1 vy., t c !'r r.. Hue!' 7. Bur tv* nk June 30, 1925 Boole D-7, p. 4n-i2. (I m :-?l 1') j f, Pv 1 pi )
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