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3. ii 7*3 e ' o 5 ?? * * ?4 ?uo d ^ S i Vl ^ S s s in TKOLIAS BLANKS TURIJER. July 29th-lb66~ January 21 st-1934. Born in Greenville Llisa. His boyhood days were spent in M^shville Tenn. Harried to Emily Sylvester and to them were "born three children,two boys and one girl ;K.J. Turner ,ilrs?G.C. Gannon and T.B.Turner Jr.all of whom.with four grandchildren, and their mother Mrs T B Turner survive. Brother Turner was a resident of Winnsboro for 20 years where he wa3 very active in business and church affaire. He was converted and joined the Methodist Church early in life and to which obligations and responsibilities he remained faithful unto the end.his parents before him were likewise devoted to the church with his mother doing a most unusual amount of social service among the peoples where she lived-at one time with her own means building a church house for or among the Bohemians in Bay St Louis Miss.Many other benefactions were administered to the poor and needy so that to him wac given the heritage of a good and useful service in the cause of the Master. He was for 25 years a Supt. of Sunday Schools and for 40 years an active Steward in his church.His last thoughts played around the eternal realities and to one of hia children he made the statement "its sweet to know there's a place to go-?ti* Heaven, lie was a good atewara for hi* Lord both of time and talent. /T\ /I -4/' /) ~7? .
Turner 059