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ANNOUNCING THE \\ ? DOC IN a RABBIT CRE3K T R E A T OF 1830 ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM It is exactly.150 years since the Choctaw Indians were persuaded to give up to the United States a large part of T'ississippi, including all the land in Noxubee County0 After many days of entertaining and talking, the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek was finally signed on September 27, 1830, The Choctaws gave up the last of thsir family land3 and most of them agreed to be moved to Oklahoma*, A program will be held in observance of the 150th anniversary of this event on Saturday, September 2?# 19800 The place where the treaty was signed is in tho western part of Noxubee County at what is still known today as the Dancing Rabbit Creek? about s?ven miles south of Mashulaville* The area is marked with a granite stone monument and there are pine trees all around it* Some of the descendants of the Choctaws who chose to remain in Pississippi are buried -at'the graveyard that is at Dancing Rabbit Treaty site0 The grounds are owned by the state of Fississippi and the nearby pine forest ie owned by Georgia Pacific Corporation,, The Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty waa important because it was the last treaty with the Choctaw Indians and it gave the new white settlers official permission to move on to the last of Mississippi08 virgin timber land* Nearly two-thirds of th?j state was taken from the Choctaws and opened for settlement In this treaty.. There were some scattered Choctaw families who despite fche hardships and the odds against them* stayed on in their Mississippi and were not moved to the new Choctaw Nation in what is now Oklahoma,, Their descend? anto are organised today in a tribal government at Philadelphia, Ws0 known as the "T-?lsslssippi Band of Choctaw Indians,* School and church groups and interested persons are invited to come to Mashulavllls for the observance of this? historical event* The Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty observance is being plarmad by the Noxubes County Historical Society? The activities will bagin at 1*00 with the program at 2%00 pma Cams to Mashulaville on Saturday? Septo 27th* 1930 and be a part of living local history,, Mashulaville Community Center Larry Miller, secretary
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