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THE CHARTER 3 SERVICE ON INDIVIDUALS, SEC, 3 Be it further enacted,That the Municipal government of said oity is hereby vested in a ray or, four AHernen, one for each of the words of said city, an Assessor and colleotar of taxes, a Treasurer* a larshal ans a Secretary, and such other subordinate off1errs as nay be established by said Board of Mayor and Aldermen* The ray or, Aldermen and other elective of icere shall hold their respective offices for two years, and until their respective eraccesBors Bhall be duly elected and crualified#unless xhvm elected to fill a vacancy. Sec. 4* Be it further enacted, That on the first Monday of April,1886, and biennially thereafter, a general election shall be held in said city for a Mayor, four Aldercen, an Assessor and Colleotor of Taxes, a Treasurer, Marshal and a fecretary; each of the four wards into which the said city is divided shall be entitled to one representative in said Board of Mayor rnd Aldermen, which representative shall be a/j%f#jff#£f(jtfj're6ldent of the ward he is elected to represent? said Mayor and all of said Aldermen, the Assessor and Colleotor of Taxes, Treasurey/^iW Mardhal and 8(tom out)—tery shall be elected by freneral ticket, and all male inha (torn out) — residing in the corporate limits above defined and who are ( torn out)—fied voters under the Constitution of this State,who ha( torn out)------------bona fide residents of said city for one month next( torn out) p the day of election at which said inhabitants offer to ( tora out) who are duly registered as provided herein#are declared—(torn out) auali-fied voters of said oity at such election*
BSL City Charters Shieldborough incororated to Bay Saint Louis - Feb 8, 1838 (06)