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a grant of $2,500 was authorized for the erection of a new church and ? educational building. A buyer was found for the old church building, and the Trustees were directed to sell it and place the proceeds in a building fund. A Building Committee was appointed, consisting of Col. P. S. Finn, Mrs. Muriel B. Fisher, Mr. S. K. Kepner, Mr. W. P. McCutchon, Mrs. J. M. Middleton, Mrs. George C. Prewitt, Mr. T. T. Reboul and Dr. Walter Russo.
It immediately became active, both in planning and in fund-raising.
Mr. Kenneth Teague, son of the organist, made several trips from Houston where he lived and worked as an architect, to consult with the Building Committee. He presented a plan for the sanctuary and educational building which was accepted by the committee. The committee met once a week and held consultations more often when necessary. Mrs. S. K. Kepner, Church Historian this year noted:	"Mr. Teague graciously cut his fee in half,
the members all contributed as much as they could at the time, and many friends of the church have contributed generously. We are most grateful to every one who has had a part- in the building of this sanctuary. We pray t-hat it will prove a great blessing to this community, and that for years to come people will continue to worship and find peace and contentment within its walls. May the Lord give this congretation an abiding love for Him and one another as we go forward into the new year." Mr. Jimmy Larrou, an outstanding crafstman, was the builder. When the building could not be entirely completed with the money at h a n d } the decision was made to have the contractors finish the sanctuary and the men of the church would finish the interior of the Sunday School rooms, pastor's study, etc. Messrs. Reboul, Middleton and Kepner did the paneling, while Dr. Russo and Mr. McCutchon put on the trim. Messrs. Gallassero and Kepner made the hung julletin boards and clothes racks. Messrs. Reab and Kepner built a baptismal font and a settee for visiting or assistant ministers, and Mr. Reab made two lovely stands for the flowers - to correspond with the wood and

First Presbyterian Church 40th-anniversary-1997-07
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Hancock County Historical Society
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