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f cl<nnk
tlie first senioi of U>e I^islahtre sAer bis ek’eMon, •Dtl dumijr Ute iemai»dei*of the term for wjncii he is elected.'
And the f|u4stion tliereon hem# taken, it dm rc-tolvi'd in the affirmative.
And the qnes'ioo being put, will the contention concur m Ute ainendroeet to the ?3d section u amended?
it was resolved nt tbe affirmative.
The .niitndment# to tbe f4th and tSth sections be-inp read. wpre ronrufWdin.
The .irnciufmrnt to the 27ih fiectioa, 6l|itijf ti« blank with :>m* wofds^Ctt/of Nstchcs,’bem« read— and qnestion hemp put, will the eonvemion concur in 'hmaroeadnx'ntf
The yew and nay* were called for by l»‘o members present, and were equal.
Tbow> who voted m the atitnaaliteare
Mr. Pre»idef>t, Mcnars Bnmcs. Gurnet, («f (lai. bom*) BilHi, Braodon, Clnrk« t5s\ u,, Dowds, tiiue, Johnaon, Leake, Mr id, Poindexter, Rankin,
SeMun'H, Steel, ttcott^ Taylor, Turner,. Witkjii1*, Wj|. liams—
TImiw? who voted m the ne*at>v* are
Meaara. Batchelor, Burton, Burnet, (of Hancock^ Bilbo. IVkton, <inf, llajtaa, Jotwdan. Km», Ktug, Lanirrwvr, Minton. ATUughhn, M’Kay,
M’J.eo-f, M’Nabh, PatfiWJ, Ruaiiela, Torrence. Wilkta-soo, Wtw;—:g.	^
Mr. SimfWvj moved, *nd wax aocoqtlod, that tbe ;*PO»e»tioa do ddjouro till 4 o'clock thk aflcrDoo*.
And the question tiiereon being taken, a was^elcs-Biined in tHe negative.
And on motion of Mr. Burnet, (of Claiborne) the contention adjourned till .( oVIock P. M.
The convention met |>itr«uan( to adjournment. f>n motion nt Mr. Potndctter—
R/'*olned, the rouvention do now rosumr the unfinished business of tbernommg.
Mf. Burnet (-»f Ifvicock) snored, and was pr-cond* ed. to fill tbe blank ut the tf*th *oetion «•*:h the >rords 'Sljti'ldshoroiigh, on tlie Bar of 8t. lx>ms ’
And the >|ite!>tioii thereon Im-hi# taken, it was resolved in tlie affirmative.
TIm* yeas and ciava Iteinjj calle I f.»r hr two member* pn^nt, tbwe wIhj voied in the affirmative sr©
Mr. B'ir.ier, (of TIari<*oek) B Iho, Davi*, f*c!i.«on, Oray, Johnson, Jourd-m, Kinj^, [^eak**. M<*jd, Mmion, M'Uu^hlin, WKay,	,M\\a1>h,	Pat
toti, Poindexter, Kankm. RunneK Scott, Tvruer, Wlftin?. W Niama—<>4.
Those w‘io voted in the negative are Mi nrMidcnl, M-wn*. Birnei«, B.r«on (of Hm-boriH*) B1IH1, Bmndon. Batclielor, Burton, riark, D«jwu«, Olasa, llannn. Km>x, l*a;tim»re, Suninon, Swio<w, Sieei, T<»yW, Torrence, Wilkinson, W eni.
Mr. Buroet «K*ved, and wa.i aecond^l, to r Ute ?7th wrtion hv s'rikmi; oni iIh; word 'for And !lit* qu<‘«iioii I'lereoti ticm^ taJte#^-i^65U solved iu tlw aifiroiatne.

Mississippi General Document (007)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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