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7b the Senate qf the United State*:
I nominate Reuben A tl water, whose commission, as Secretary of the Miehi~ gan Territory, will expire on the first of March next, to be Secretary of tho ?aid Territory, for four yean next enduing that date.
Daniel Swctt, of Massachusetts, to be Naval Officer for Newburyport, ia Massachusetts.
December 90th, 1811.
The mewa^ waa read.
Ordered, That il lie for consideration.
TUESDAY, Dbciniu 31, 1811.
The Senate took into consideration the menage of the President of the United Slates, of yesterday, nominating Reuben Altwater and Daniel Swctt, severally to office; and
Rc*ofved% That they do adviae and consent to the appointments, agreeably to the nominations rcspcctivcly.
Ordfrctf, That the Secretary lay this resolution before the President of the United States.
The following written message was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Coles, his Secretary:
To the Senate q/ the United States:
I nominate Thomaa L. Shannonhoose, of North Carolina, to be Surveyor and Inspector of the |?rt of Ncwbiggen Creek, ia North Carolina, vice James ll Shannonhousc, deceased.
December 3l*t, 1811.
The message was read.
Ordered, That it lie for conaideration.
The following written messagi. was also received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Coles, his Secretary:
7b the Senate qf the United States:
I nominate tho persons whose names are stated in the papers enclosed in letters from the Secretary of War, for the promotions and appointments therein respectively proposed.
December Z\*t, 1811.
War Department, December 3IW, 1811.
Sir: 1 have the honor of proposing, for your approbation, the following promotions in the Army of the United States.
w. Eusns.
The President.
Promotion* in the United State* Jlrmy?Peace Estabiithmeni.
Corps op Engineers.
Regiment <\f JtrtUlerul*.
First Lieutenant Hannibal M. Allen, promoted to Captain, Yiee Willi am Cocks, dismissed 89th January, 1811.

Brush, John 007
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