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or less_____________making that of Cot No. forty eight on a plan of the Lots of ground of that part of this city, sold 6y the C___________tion. Together with aft the Building and improvements thereon,_____________,___________, and appurtenances thereto attached,_____________any exception or__________________, acquired6y the <Decedent Jacques (Demorueftefrom Clement ?Ramos, according to act 6efore JLmedee (DucatelNot. (PuB. (Dated 4. ? <Decem. 1859. Which property was valued at Twenty-two hundred dotCars. _____________________________________________________________$ 2200. 3. ? A Cot of ground, situated in this city,fauBorg Treme, in the Second (District, in the square Bounded By Treme, St. anne, (Dumaine, and St. Claude Stret, measuring twenty feet, more or [ess, front on Treme Street, By sixty feet more or less, in depth_____________ Amount carried over $13800. Amount Brought forward $13800. Together with aft the Buildings and improvements, without any reservation. Acquired By Jacques (Demorueftefrom Ch._________ispe, according to an act passedBefore {Fefix(Percy not. (PuB on the 1st of February 1847. Said property is valued at Five hundred and fifty doftars. 550. 4. ? A Eot of ground situated in thefauBorg Treme, in the Second(District of this city, in the square Bounded By St. Claude, (Dumaine, St._________and Treme streets, mating first of the Lot designated By the______Three of Square no. Forty-eight and measuring in engCish measure, thirty seven feet front on St. Claude street By one hundred and twenty feet in depth, Bounded on one side By the other portion of Lot no. 3. And on the other By the property formerly Belonging to Maurice <P ost. Together with aft the Buildings and improvements on said lot, rights, privileges or s- tudes thereto attached, without any reservation. Acquired By Jacques (Demorueftefrom Mrs. <E. Valsin___________y according to act Before Octave de Armas Not. (PuB. On the 28. Nov. 1859 and appraised at Twenty-five hundred doftars.________________________________________$2500 5. * A square of ground, situated in the Second (District of this city, in the Amount carried for. $____8511. -_________ Amount Brought forward. $_________8511. the square Bounded By Orleans, JFero, Tonti and St. (Peter Streets, the dimension of which to Be hereafter ascertained, and from which squre a Lot of thirty feet front on Hero Street By Seventy five feet in depthfronting on St. (Peter St., was sold By the (Deceased Jacques (Demoruelle to his son ?Ernest (Demoruelle. Said Balance of square, with the Buildings and improvements thereon Belonging to the (Deceased, are appraised at Tour thousand doftars_____________________________________________$4000 6." A portion of ground, situated in the Second (District of this city, on the square Bounded By Tonti, St. (Peter, (RpcheBlave and Orleans, the dimensions of which to Be hereafter ascertained, together with aft the Buildings and improvements thereon, appraised at Twenty-five hundred doftars. $2500. The square of ground sixthly described was acquired By Jacques (Demorueftefrom different vendors to wit. Trom Jl. C L Michel, act Before Octave de A rmas not. pu6. On the_April1845; Widow Michel(D. (Bringier act Before ThosJ. (Becbjnotary on
Demoruelle 007